Git pull force overwrite => Delete branch: git branch -D 2. You should be able to pull down the new changes from remote repo. However, there might be cases where you want to git force pull to overwrite your local changes. My colleague came and did a fetch. I also fixed a typo a missing ' in the original. But though Hedgehog's answer might be better, I don't think it is as elegant as it could be. I'm trying to pull code from my GitHub repo onto my server, but the pull keeps failing because of merge conflicts. Re-create the branch: git branch 4. You will only see unstaged modifications if you had unstaged modifications before you fetched. Yeah, Git is more powerful but what I actually need is ease of use. Make sure to stash and commit anything you need. So they are basically treated differently than your local branches. Based on a combination of and , I've come up with this which works splendidly: git fetch git reset --hard u Run this from a branch and it'll only reset your local branch to the upstream version. I updated my script with that a long time ago, but forgot to update here as well. Consider the text files as your routine code files and that things happen while multiple programmers are using this. But the command shown above does almost the same thing. It's the version of the file right before these two branches diverged. Git Pull Force to Overwrite Local Changes - Based on a combination of and , I've come up with this which works splendidly: git fetch git reset --hard u Run this from a branch and it'll only reset your local branch to the upstream version. Nothing here is drastically wrong, but some clarifications should help. I wanted to know what the differene between pull, fetch and clone is. Git clone Git clone will clone a repo int a newly created directory. You can see which are remotes and which are local. This is a good headsup before you start to break things. So, to me, it sounds like it pulls everything down. You will only see unstaged modifications if you had unstaged modifications before you fetched. Git fetch will not change any unstaged modifications at all. This is what git fetch really does. Your master branch will be unchanged and your staged files will also be unchanged. Can you help me with it. But so do clone, fetch, and pull. What I end up doing instead is to completely delete my local tree and then I clone the repository anew. Yeah, Git is more powerful but what I actually need is ease of use. Yeah, got so confused with checkout. I only did git pull force overwrite and thought the staged changes will be based to the related remote origin. My colleague came and did a fetch. When I push, I had to merge remote branch with my local branch. Just the source tree looks bad. And this can be done by modifying the same file.