99 Dating Trick Part I 1. Don’t take dating too seriously. This basically means that you should enjoy your dates more. Aside from that, you should also view dating as something that can offer you an opportunity to meet new people and socialize. Moreover, it can also offer you a potential to finding someone whom you can build a relationship with. 2. Don’t date out of desperation. Never date just because you are desperate of having a relationship. This is because it can lead to having someone whom you may want to change for the better, in the future. Aside from that, since desperation can cloud your judgment, you may end up with someone who will just make you more insecure. 3. Don’t date other people to make someone jealous. When you are dating another person just to make someone jealous about it, then you are not doing anyone a favour. This is because; you might end up showing the other person that you really like him or her. Aside from that, chances are, you might also suggest that you really are enjoying yourself with another company when you are not. 4. Practice caution on multiple dating. When you are dating a number of men or women, you might end up stressing yourself out. This is because multiple dating is never easy, and it needs you to become very organized. Although you may be enjoying the variety of persons multiple dating can offer to you, it is still less stressful when you are not always worrying about sending the wrong text messages or emails to the wrong person. 5. Be yourself. Being yourself in dating can go a long way, especially if you are on a quest to finding a person to have a healthy relationship with. This is because when you won’t be hiding anything from your date, you can be assured that he would be accepting you just the way you are, if your relationship grows. 6. Don’t date to play games. Dating can involve emotions of people who are included in it. Therefore, if you are looking at date, as something that you enjoy just like your games, then you should rethink it. This is because playing games with people’s emotions is not a good idea. Thus, it is best to see it as something that is serious, since, just like you, other people also do not want to get hurt. 7. Lending money to your date. If you want to lend money to your date, you have to make sure that you are already in a relationship. Aside from that, you should also trust him or her. This is because if you lend someone money, whom you are not in a deep relationship with, then there is a huge possibility that he or she won’t be able to pay you with the money you lent. 8. Enjoy dating not just for sex. When you are enjoying your sexual interactions, it can affect your decision making, which can cause negative results. Therefore, it is always suggested not to sleep with someone on the first few dates. By doing that, you can focus more on getting to know the other person, which may include discovering common values. 9. Get out of the house. Although online dating is quite popular these days, it is always better to go out in order to find dates. This is because dating offline is more fun, due to the fact that you get to meet your date personally. Aside from that, when you go outside, it increases your dating potentials further, which can help you end up with someone whom you really enjoy being with. 10. Take a break. Taking a break from dating can be a good idea, especially if it is making you more miserable. A break from dating can be made for a period of 3 to 6 months. In taking a break, it can provide you with time to rediscover yourself. This basically means that it can offer you more time in getting involved with a hobby, or catching up with your friends.