Strongholds and followers => Lars was the next believer. Already it's clear I need partners. The Death of Tom Hanks Hanks is dying, Ed Burns runs for a medic, Matt Damon is alone with Hanks. The present is better than the past, the people who say otherwise are wrong. Most mechanics seem to have both function and theme in mind - there's is plenty of crunch and plenty of flavour in this book. Sometimes it seemed, especially to the other folks on the team, like we didn't know anything. His side-eye monster commentary on his own monsters, no less is a hoot. A friend and former coworker and one of the smartest people I know. I was doing ok, but if I signed up for that and not enough people were willing to pay to watch us play pay for something we'd technically be giving away! Her husband is clearly having a breakdown. But I get ahead of myself. Swords with extra bonuses vs monster types! I need to read more to really get a better sense of it all. Remember, we're all in this together. The explicit ellipses and smiley face emoticons in the body text of parts of this work seem decidedly amateur surrounded by the sharp production otherwise, and some pages have several footnotes that read like your buddy apologizing for word choice literally which seem out of place. With luck, if you're on the fence on buying this book, it should help you figure out if you want to or not. I got away with just being me online longer than most people would have. We're gonna make all new mistakes! Plus, the rules can be incorporated into just about any campaign, whether the players just want a permanent home or want to grow their keep into a regional power and wage full-blown war on their enemies. Reality Refracted: Strongholds and Followers - But we're not even on the runway yet, we can try things and if they fail, no big deal. What does everyone else think. I also just strongholds and followers it in the last couple of hours. Haven't read it in detail, but so far I like the content. Most mechanics seem to have both function and theme in mind - there's is plenty of crunch and plenty of flavour in this book. A new mechanic of note is the Extended Rest. Doing so will grant or enhance class benefits. A Cleric, for example, gains access to an enhanced Channel Divinity after an extended rest called Manifest Divinity. This allows you to grant 3d8 of healing to strongholds and followers within 30 ft when you use your Channel Divinity in addition to its normal benefits. This is a powerful ability no doubt, but it has limited uses starting with one between extended rests. Also, the book does address the fact that its mechanics will change the balance and power level in your game. The easiest solution the book offers, is to grant your villains strongholds, with all the benefits they entail. There is a section dedicated to villain strongholds. Now, my only real beef, is that I don't enjoy the very casual writing style. If I focus hard enough, I can hear Matt Colville speaking the words in his signature style, but I don't enjoy this style for the written word. It's relatively minor complaint for me, as I think the book will stand on the merits of the content regardless. And to be fair, there are probably people who will love that it reads the way Matt orates. I just downloaded my copy and am looking it over. Way too much content for me to go over before bed and I have a long day of work tomorrow and my monthly 8-hour game on Saturday to prep for. I am considering using this in my current campaign. I would be interested in any opinions on whether any of the mechanics are overpowered or otherwise problematic. I know it was pretty heavily play tested, but I would love to hear from people using or planning to use it in their game--or those who won't--and their reasons why. The cost in gold and time to build in days for each of the four strongholds are listed below. But even were we to pick a historical period as our baseline, there was no time in history that had bands of wizards and warlocks roaming the countryside pillaging dragon hordes and coming back to civilization with tens of thousands of gold pieces. And that means they must cost a lot, but not take too long. Keeps and towers, temples and establishments each have wildly different purposes with different costs and different times to build. Keeps are larger and more fortified for defensive purposes and therefore take longer to build: 150 days. Temples and towers are less fortified but still usually made of stone and strongholds and followers 120 days to complete strongholds and followers 1st level. An strongholds and followers serves no defensive purpose, typically existing within a town or city with its own fortifications. But your establishment is still well-constructed with basements, multiple floors, and probably secret passages for you and your allies to escape out of…or in to. They take 90 days to complete. Could you tell us what is exactly included in the pdf, and what you like about it. For those who don't have it. Are there sections or bits of it which you don't like. I'll have more to say once I've had more time with the book, but to give you a quick and incomplete synopsis. There are 4 primary stronghold types, with some slight variations on a few. Keep, Tower, Temple, and Establishment. Each corresponds to a type of character class; Keep for martial types, Tower for arcane types, Temple for devout types, and Establishment for skilled types. Each one grants benefits to the founder in the form of enhanced class features that are usable a certain number of times until you spend an Extended Rest a week at your stronghold. These features are pretty cool and pretty effective, but not so effective as to break the game or anything. They definitely make characters more powerful. The Stronghold also grants Demesne Effects; these seem to be mostly flavor style effects for the realm in which your Stronghold is found. Then there are Stronghold Actions. These are combat related abilities that can take effect on initiative count 20 when the character is in the same hex as the Stronghold. These vary in strength, but tend to be potent. A couple seem very potent. Each Stronghold also attracts different types of followers. I need to read more to really get a better sense of it all. I like the general approach, though. Overall, the writing seems casual, which I like, and he explains a lot of the design in sidebars and footnotes. The art is top notch and the overall production quality is high. I'm looking forward to seeing the print copy. Again, more to come as I spend more time with the book.