[Mt.Gox 24/7 IRC support channel | don t ask to ask, just ask | offtopic goes to ##mtgox-chat | tickers and trades on #mtgox-RT and #bitcoin-RT | LTC support coming soon] [17:17] == KrLos [be97db20@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #mtgox [17:18] Hello, please tell that LTC support coming soon, isn't by aprils 1st? it is or isn`t? [17:22] lol [17:22] 9 hours later and everybody is still asking, eh? [17:23] in my country still 1st aprils [17:24] not sure it's even legal to april 1st about that ? [17:25] == Casimir1904 [~Casimir19@ip-109-42-0-62.web.vodafone.de] has joined #mtgox [17:26] it is legal, but it would be unbelievably dumb, which is not what Mt.Gox or MagicalTux are known for. [17:27] I'm positive he's been laughing all day at the requests for saying it's real or not, but regardless of whether it's a joke or not.. Mt.Gox obviously has a big interest in supporting LTC. [17:27] This is the last time I'm typing this today. [17:28] haha just chose the wrong day to unroll the litecoin api [17:28] Thanks guys