Our walk with the Lord needs to be a everyday thing, not just on a Sunday or Tuesday, those 2 days cannot give us power to overcome the attacks & assignments of the enemy. Reading the word of God, praying, interceeding is important to overcome the hurdles & obstacles in our lives. In order for us to put an end to the nonsense we need to first find the pattern & stop it. We've got to take God by his word, use the word, open our mouths & make a declaration, then we'd attack the enemy by using the word. Be bold & confront the enemy. Walking in the Lord & in the spirit helps us to discern the things of God & the things of the enemy. There needs to be growth & maturity, stand our ground. Stop worrying, trust God he'd make a way where there seems to be no way... Know the power of our God, little things must not move us. Be empowered by the word of God. Stop worrying, trust God, he'd rescue us & make a way. In due time the Lord will see us through. We cannot change things we leave it in God's hands. Stop paying more attention on our situation than God. Pay more attention on God & the enemy will flee from us. God will step into our situations that's the way he works nothing's impossible for him. When one door closes another opens... Don't allow the enemy to have a field day with us. As long as the enemy feels he's got us where he wants us he'll have victory. Stop having a pitty party with what's going on in our lives. Stop complaining & making excuses. Make time to do things, stop saying, "We can't, we can't" We're only human we cry, shed tears, but we still have to get up dust ourselves off & say, "This nonsense must stop" When the Lord takes us out of difficult times, it's now time to give him thanks. Yet everything may fail us, but yet there's a God who loves us unconditionally because he died for us so we can have life & life abundantly. Can we die for someone?...