Every Webmaster strives to provide their visitors with accurate and reliable information about their services, products or website in general. Sometimes, it is difficult to explain certain aspects in written text, because the visitor will just not grasp the concept. This is where explainer videos come into play. If you are not familiar with this term, it may come as a surprise to you that you have probably watched these videos at some point, but just didn’t know it. An Explanation Of What You Do benefits of Explainer Videos Many service providers utilize these videos to show consumers how their business operates. This is a wonderful idea, because most people find videos more engaging and easier to understand. Once the consumer watches the video, they will be more informed on your business processes. Not only is this a great way to encourage consumers to invest in your services and products, but it can also eliminate the need for you to explain your business processes to every single person you meet. Short And To The Point Audio and visual tools are becoming extremely popular, because they are so easy to use and understand. If the video involves few physical objects, with a little humor and direct, to the point content, it will be successful. The key is to create a short and concise version about your business processes, services or products. Most people will refuse to watch an extended video unless it is humorous, engaging and easy to understand. Explainer Video: More Captivating Another thing to remember is that written content is only helpful to a limited degree. While you might be the best writer in the world, not everyone will feel inclined to write a big wall of text. This is where explainer videos will enter the picture. Once they’ve landed on your website, they’ll begin to see the animated video and they’ll hear spoken words. This will grab their attention immediately. Most people will be much more likely to sit through the entire video than they would be to read many paragraphs of text. And since these videos are more captivating, they are also much more effective for getting your point across and helping to make the sale. More Effective While it is possible to explain your product or service in written text, videos can be much more effective in doing so. Videos will give you the ability to speak directly to your potential client, while explaining to them the importance of using your service. With a voice, you will be able to change the tone of the dialogue and put more emphasis on certain points. As long as you’re a convincing speaker, you will find out very quickly that videos and audio are much more effective than written words. Overall All in all, there are numerous ways to convince your clients to make the purchase. However, nothing will work better than a good instructional video. The video will speak directly to the client and make them eager to try out your service. If you intend to sell products or services online, it would be a mistake not to utilize video and audio in your strategy.