#OpZoophilie Tweet pack for Sunday May 12- 5 PM EDT, 4 PM CDT, 2 PM PDT Copy and paste each into tweet. ____________________________________________________________________________________ Sexual abuse of animals is wrong. Provide legislation outlawing distribution of animal sexual exploitation! http://www.thepetitionsite.com/598/421/240/stop-the-rape-of-animalsbestiality/ Act NOW! -- to stop bestiality and make some laws to stop it. #StopZoophilia http://www.thepetitionsite.com/598/421/240/stop-the-rape-of-animalsbestiality/ Criminalize bestiality in the US. Sign the petition here: http://www.thepetitionsite.com/598/421/240/stop-the-rape-of-animalsbestiality #StopZoophilia Animal cruelty in any form is wrong. Must be illegal & punishment must fit the crime. Animal rapists belong in jail. #StopZoophilia Sex should only be between CONSENTING adults. Animals cannot consent. Bestiality is rape. -- http://www.thepetitionsite.com/598/421/240/stop-the-rape-of-animalsbestiality/ #StopZoophilia Bestiality should be legislated like Childpornography. Criminalize distribution & possession! #StopZoophilia Sexual intercourse with animals can hurt the animal & spread disease. #StopZoophilia Consent is when one can say no. Clearly animals cannot do that. Bestiality is the model case of circumventing consent. #StopZoophilia Bestiality IS the sexual assault of animals! Many states in the USA do not have laws to prosecute animal sexual offenses! #StopZoophilia #FactsStraight: Bestiality is a deviant mean of sexual gratification, homosexuality is NOT! http://www.browardpalmbeach.com/2009-08-20/news/those-who-practice-bestiality-say-they-re-part-of-the-next-gay-rights-movement/ #StopZoophilia The animals cannot speak out against their rapist. Its up to us to demand reform of federal laws to prosecute their abusers! #StopZoophilia Many charged w bestiality get probation! Demand felonization of bestiality in US! Rapists deserve harsher penalities! #StopZoophilia FBI profiling showed serial rapists who mutilated humans also sexually abused animals. MAKE bestiality a FEDERAL FELONY! #StopZoophilia Genital chlamydia & herpes, Trichomonas vaginalis, & gonorrhea originate from livestock, true story. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/21844702 #StopZoophilia Animals deserve to be protected under the same laws as human sexual assault victims! DEMAND CHANGE IN US FEDERAL LAWS! #StopZoophilia You too can push for an Animal Abuser Registry in your state! Use this info!! http://www.animallaw.com/animalabuserregistry.htm #StopZoophilia STAND UP, SPEAK OUT against weak bestiality penalities! Concise and harsher laws are paramount to prosecute offenders! #StopZoophilia Violence toward animals leads to violence toward humans! This cannot be ignored any longer http://www.mspca.org/programs/cruelty-prevention/animal-cruelty-information/cruelty-to-animals-and-other-crimes.pdf #StopZoophilia Stand up and speak out for all VICTIMS of sexual abuse. Justice should be a right for all beings, even if they do not have a voice. #StopZoophilia Ugly truth behind paid membership bestiality sites: Degenerates pay to see an animal raped.. Why arent more of u outraged? #StopZoophilia How does yr state prosecute bestiality? The answer may shock you. #StopZoophilia http://animallaw.info/articles/ovuszoophilia.htm Only 30 states have laws specifically criminalizing bestiality. We must act in the others to get laws passed. #StopZoophilia Sex Offenders Registration Act “SORA” requires reg by offenders against humans! Animal sexual abusers shouldnt be exempt! #StopZoophilia #MN max penalty for felony animal abuse inc bestiality: 24mths vs Sports Bookmaking 30mths #StopZoophilia #OUTRAGE: REPEAT OFFENDER http://www.suntimes.com/news/metro/19131335-418/indiana-judge-wont-order-dna-sample-from-man-accused-of-bestiality.html & http://posttrib.suntimes.com/news/lake/18985830-418/man-accused-of-bestiality-had-animal-porn-ritual-room.html PLZ HELP MAKE BESTIALITY A FEDERAL CRIME: https://www.change.org/petitions/us-government-stop-the-rape-of-animals-bestiality-2 #OUTRAGE: DEVIANT POSSESED BOTH CHILD BONDAGE & BESTIALITY PHOTOS http://lincolnsquare.patch.com/articles/child-porn-with-bestiality-bondage-found-in-ravenswood-home #stopBestiality PLZ SIGN: https://www.change.org/petitions/us-government-stop-the-rape-of-animals-bestiality-2 #OUTRAGE 2 #StopZoophilia: CEO Buckmaster ignores bestiality ads on Craigslist: http://ftpcontent.worldnow.com/kpho/KPHO%20NEWS/sheriffscraiglistletters.pdf, despite warnings from #AZ sheriff #OUTRAGE 2 #StopZoophilia: #WV Man Raped & Killed Goat While On Bath Salts Declared Not Competent 4 Trial | http://washington.cbslocal.com/2012/09/20/man-who-raped-killed-goat-while-on-bath-salts-declared-not-competent-for-trial/ #StopZoophilia: #KY teen shared imgs of raped 3yr old & 9yr old having oral sex w/ dogs. charged w/ misdemnr | http://www.wdrb.com/story/17001116/police-louisville-man-had-video-of-3-year-old-being-raped #OUTRAGE 2 #StopZoophilia: zoosadist i.e MURDERER granted culinary schooling- victim was bound, raped & destroyd due to injury | http://weblogs.sun-sentinel.com/news/specials/weirdflorida/blog/2009/10/man_accused_of_having_sex_with_1.html #OUTRAGE 2 #StopZoophilia: zoosadist granted culinary schooling- victim was bound, raped & destroyd due to injury | http://weblogs.sun-sentinel.com/news/specials/weirdflorida/blog/2009/10/man_accused_of_having_sex_with_1.html #OUTRAGE 2 #StopZoophilia: Bestiality charge will be expunged from dog rapist's record after completing probation.. http://wcfcourier.com/news/local/article_66d70fe4-dbf5-11e1-8831-001a4bcf887a.html #StopZoophilia #StopZoophilia #StopZoophilia #StopZoophilia #StopZoophilia #StopZoophilia #StopZoophilia #StopZoophilia #StopZoophilia There are many bestiality accts on Twitter. Find list here and tweet your outrage to Twitter http://pastebin.com/itLQxTDp #StopZoophilia