// 5PH1NX Industries Presents // The YouTube Recurring Income Guide for $150+ per Week without Any Videos // FIRST OF ALL // This is my own method and I have made it competely free for you guys, so if you are viewing this from a forum, go back and give me some rep or a like :) // THE METHOD // 1. You most likely aren't going to want to use your own Gmail/YouTube account for this method. You'll see why later on. But you will need a Gmail account, so either make a new one or buy a login from somebody. (I may start selling Gmail accounts soon) 2. You don't need a profile picture or a description or anything like that for this method. However, I would recommend you name the channel something that's not totally random. Just set it to a generic name like Mike or something and leave it at that. 3. Now, the actual work is going to come in. What you need to do is sign up using your Gmail you made for your account to these websites: ... theres a million more sites like these that you can do but you really only need to use one or two of them at a time. 4. These sites will let you subscribe for subscribe with other users on YouTube. What you're going to do is go to each site and subscribe to other ppls accounts till the website tells you you've reached your daily limit. 5. Keep going to each site and maxxing out every day for like a week to build up points. After around a week, go through and put in orders using your points on each site for subscribers. Usually, you'll get a 1:1 ratio of subscribers to subscribed to. So if you subscribed to 1,000 accounts in the week (pretty easy), you will get 1,000 subscribers when you cash in. 6. Now this is where you have a choice. You can either sell the account as is to someone for around $50 (kind of a low payout) or you can continue to grow the account and sell it for over $1,000! 7. If you want to make your $50 account worth $1,000, you are just going to want to rinse and repeat steps 4 and 5 over and over until you reach around 10k subscribers. 8. The next step is going to be getting some views on videos. Find a copyright-free video somewhere and upload it to your channel. 9. Most of the sites listed in step 3 also have features where you can trade watch time with other channels as well. If they do, you're going to use that feature in order to get around 5,000 hours of watch time on your video. If you want to make sure it doesn't look sus, upload multiple videos and spread the views across them. 10. Once you get to 5,000 watch hours, apply to be monetized. It's not guaranteed that you will get monetized, but if you do, your accounts value will go up drastically. 11. At this point, you can either sell the account or keep it and start making videos to get views organically. If you sell it at 10k subscribers, you should be able to get $200 if its not monetized and $1k if it is monetized. Join The Telegram to Make More Cash: