QUESTION: Why must our souls be born into separation & then find our way? Why can't we be born into oneness? So we can appreciate it more after we attain it? ANSWER: As co-creator beings, experiencing separation is what we chose to do. When we were in total loving oneness everything was the same, there was not a lot of contrast, and we wanted to experience more. So we decided as co-creator beings it would be "fun" to send an aspect of ourselves into perceived separation...forgetting who were....forgetting we were co-creator beings....knowing we would have many opportunities along the way to re-memeber. Once we awaken to who we are, and begin spending time focusing on our spiritual self ~ which is our true reality ~ we will be putting energy towards having a direct relationship with the Creator.....we will have "chosen" the Creator over the illusions of the materialistic universe. When we re-connect with our spiritual self ~which is fully connected to the Creator Of All That Is ~ and step into unity consciousness, we have mastered the illusions of the game. When we redirect our focus from the material to the spiritual and we sincerely, whole heartily choose to have a relationship with the Creator it means sooooo much more because we have the freewill choice to NOT have a direct relationship with the Creator. When we choose oneness with the Creator over the ego's illusions of separation, and we put energy into acquiring loving direct relationship with the spiritual realms, our higher self and God/Goddess it is a SINCERE desire to be ONE and this has far greater meaning, depth, connection and appreciation than the relationship where we were already in ONENESS without the choice to be separate. Having the "choice" creates friction, and far more interest because once we truly make the choice to re-connect with the Creator it is truly a desire of the heart.