45. Act Of Consecration To Saint Anne O Good and merciful Saint Anne, in order to honour you with more zeal, and pray to you with more confidence, I come to consecrate myself to you, for time and for eternity. Hence I choose you, after the most Blessed Virgin, for my spiritual mother, and my protectress before God. I place in your keep my body and my soul, my temporal needs and my eternal interests. I consecrate my mind to you, that you may enlighten me in all things, with the light of faith; my heart, that you may keep it full of love for Jesus and Mary; my will, that you may forever keep it subsmissive to that of God; and my body, that you may make it forever the temple of the Holy Ghost. Obtain for me, O Good Saint Anne, the grace to fulfil faithfully, after your example, all the duties of my state of life and to practise, like you, all the virtues necessary to my salvation. Grant that after having honoured and loved you on earth, O dear and Good Saint Anne, I may one day go to glorify you, with God, Mary, the saints and the angels, during all eternity. Amen.