The Brain is one of the most important organs in the body. This is because it plays a role in almost every activity that is taken place in the body. This is why we need to be very mindful about the wrong habits we possess on a regular basis because we might not even know the ones bad for a person organ of the body. This is why I have prepared this article to tell you some of the bad habits that could be damaging your brain bit by bit 1. Sleeping late or missing out on your sleep Sleep is one of the most important things for the brain. it generally has an important role in promoting better brain health and it is very necessary for good health of the brain. Lack of sleep has been found to be the major causes of a lot of brain related sicknesses such as dementia or Alzheimer's disease. It is recommended by experts for people to have regular hours of sleep in order to promote their brain health. 2. Eating too much junk foods Junks foods have been proven to have a lot of disadvantages to the body. Eating junk foods in excess has been proven to affect heart health as well as have a negative effect on the brain health. Studies show that it causes slow decline in mental health. 3. Blasting loud headphones Headphones are not very good for the brain health, this is mostly because the brain is connected to the body and could possibly have a negative effect when the ear is badly affected. Blasting loud headphones on a regular basis could be very bad for your brain health as it could damage some parts of the brain. 4. Not moving very much Living a sedentary Lifestyle has a negative effect on our mental health. Studies show that when a person continues to live a sedentary, there are higher chances of different diseases including some forms of brain diseases Habits that promote brain health 1. Eating fruits and vegetables Taking more of fruits and vegetables rather than junk foods have been found to have positive impact on brain health. This is because they are high in different important nutrients which help promote better brain health. 2. Regular exercise Instead of living a sedentary lifestyle, live a healthy one by engaging in different types of exercise that promote better brain health. 3. Having regular sleep hours Sleep is very necessary for healthy brain health. So try as much as possible to have a complete sleep schedule and avoid skipping sleep.