-- 6-divisor -- unit = 1 unitfactor = 0.00000001 basebet = 0.00000001 chanceA = 49 ls = 0 -- loosestreak ws = 0 -- winstreak lc = 0 -- loosecount wc = 0 -- wincount divisorbase = 6 divisor = divisorbase targetbase = basebet * 20 target = targetbase targetbalance = balance + target exploitrange = 7 bethigh = true chance = chanceA nextbet = target / divisor resetstats() function dobet() divIt() betselection() exploit() checkups() end function divIt() chance = chanceA if win then ws = ws + 1 target = target - currentprofit divisor = divisor - 1 if divisor <= 3 then divisor = divisor + divisorbase target = target + targetbase end ls = 0 else ls = ls + 1 target = target + previousbet if ls == 3 then divisor = divisor + 1 end ws = 0 end if balance >= targetbalance then print("\n >>> profit! \n") divisor = divisorbase target = targetbase targetbalance = balance + target end nextbet = target / divisor print("b: " .. balance .. " div: " .. divisor .. " trgt: " .. target ) end function apply3play() if ls == 1 then nextbet = nextbet * 3 end if ls == 2 then nextbet = nextbet * 1.5 end if ls == 3 then nextbet = nextbet * 0.5 end if ls > 3 then nextbet = basebet end end function exploit() if lastBet.roll > 100 - exploitrange then exploitH = exploitH + 1 else exploitH = 0 end if lastBet.roll < exploitrange then exploitL = exploitL + 1 else exploitL = 0 end if exploitH > 2 then nextbet = balance / 3 bethigh = true chance = 100 - exploitrange print("\n exploiting with 1/3\n") end if exploitL > 2 then nextbet = balance / 3 bethigh = false chance = 100 - exploitrange print("\n exploiting with 1/3\n") end if exploitH > 3 then nextbet = balance bethigh = true chance = 100 - exploitrange print("\n exploiting with br\n") end if exploitL > 3 then nextbet = balance bethigh = false chance = 100 - exploitrange print("\n exploiting with br\n") end end function betselection() if !win and ls > 1 then bethigh = !bethigh end end function checkups() if nextbet < basebet then nextbet = basebet end end