Pricing reference for creatures on this farm (warning, this is long, and may be /slightly/ complicated for the purpose of best deal pricing for both sides.) Don't mind the obnoxious pagebreakers, they're just there to break things down a bit more. A note, as well, a lot of this may have yet to apply due to the fact I am only starting my farm up again after a long break. [:][:][:][:][:][:]PRICING: HOW DOES IT WORK?[:][:][:][:][:][:] 'Age' lays the baseline for how expensive a creature is. Prices with a + before them signify that these prices are to be added onto what the price of the creature would be with all other factors in play. Rarer tiers of creature, as well as those with special lineage, will be worth more, naturally. However, prices with a - before them signify that they are to be /subtracted/ from the total score, instead of added on. This can be for various reasons, such as poor lineage, poor stability, lack of unique patterning, etc. Many factors affecting pricing will be noted in the journal of the creature, so be sure to check that before you buy. Also, another important note: Make sure never to confuse any Generation breeds for sub-breeds. The two are quite different. For personal honor reasons, anyone found scamming, especially by telling those that purchase Generation breeds off of the player that they are sub-breeds, will not be sold any pets. If the player does promise not to do so again, they can pay a +2500FB fee to be able to purchase a creature again. However, their price for them will be double the normal price. This is to cut down on possible profit the player would make from selling them as something they're not. For further personal honor reasons, no creatures that have a particularly similar look to pre-existing sub-breeds will be sold, and they cannot be requested. Just as a note, certain policies or systems may be changed. The best effort will be made in upholding deals made with people prior to changes, but there can be no guarantees on this. [:][:][:][:][:][:]BASICS OF THE PRICING[:][:][:][:][:][:] Age - - Egg: 100FB - Juvenile under two and half days: 50FB - Juvenile over two and a half days: 75FB - Mature creature under ten days old: 175FB - Mature creature under twenty days old: 125FB - Mature creature over twenty days old: 100FB - Elder creature under a year old: 25FB - Elder creature over one year old: 50FB - Elder creature over two years old: 100FB - Elder creature over three years old: 150FB - Elder creature over four years old: 200FB - Elder creature over five years old: 400FB - Elder creature over six years old: 600FB - Elder creature over seven years old: 800FB - Elder creature over eight years old: 1000FB Color - Melanistic... +150FB Albino... +75 Unremarkable... -150FB Unique... +75 Like most 'special' things about a creature, creatures with unique qualities are noted in the journal. It will be noted in the journal as well if any relatively close family member of the creature that was unique, and if this one is not. Commissions... [Level 1 detail] Public commissions... +150FB [Level 2 detail] Public commissions... +250FB [Level 3 detail] Public commissions... +300FB [Level 4 detail] Public commissions... +400FB [Level 5 detail] Public commissions... +500FB [Level 6 detail] Public commissions... +600FB [Level 7 detail] Public commissions... +700FB [Level 8 detail] Public commissions... +800FB [Level 9 detail] Public commissions... +900FB [Level 10 detail] Public commissions... +1000FB [Level 1 detail] Private commissions... +250FB [Level 2 detail] Private commissions... +500FB [Level 3 detail] Private commissions... +750FB [Level 4 detail] Private commissions... +1000FB [Level 5 detail] Private commissions... +1250FB [Level 6 detail] Private commissions... +2000FB [Level 7 detail] Private commissions... +2500FB [Level 8 detail] Private commissions... +3000FB [Level 9 detail] Private commissions... +3500FB [Level 10 detail] Private commissions... +5000FB A private commission is a commission specifically for the user to own themselves. They cost more, due to providing less of a profit. They may be good in groups for mascots for groups or as symbols of friendship, or alone as special pet owned by no one else to show off to everyone, or just an easy way to get that special pet you've been wanting without everyone else getting their hands on it. A public commission is a commission that would be available to the whole general public. For every specimen required to be produced more than one, there is an extra 75FB fee. Commissions are ranked by detail level, ranked by how difficult they are in terms of breeding. Alternately, requests can be made for free, but they will always only be available to the public and not any select group of users or one person. They are also not guaranteed to be accepted. Sub-breeds are not yet allowed to be commissioned. Single specimens, unstable breeds, and Generation breeds can be commissioned. The detail level only encompasses the details specified by the user --- for example, if they only requested a common color, it will only be level one details. No scamming users known to use any sort of breed to scam other users will be allowed to purchase private commissions, even if they paid the fine to allow them to make purchases from the farm. The color, which begins at level one detail, which moves into level two if it is melanistic or albino. The patterning, which starts at level two, which moves into level three or four at more complicated and precise designs (a Turtle Tot simply with it's shell completely filled would be level two, but if that same Turtle Tot was meant to have a bare spot in the shape of a star in the middle of the shell that had a spot inside it exactly two spots high with a big ridge shell and large eyes, that would be level four.) How long it should be bred once it's exact looks are 'harvested', starts at level three. Every ten generations it must be bred adds another level of detail to the creature. The nature of the creature, starting at level four, whether it is a single creature, a color breed (level five detail) or generation breed (level six detail.) Unstable breed is not a specific request because this is covered by how long the creature should be bred for. Only applies if the creature is a breed, but begins at level five. This is whether or not a breed has multiple branches, such as dwarf varieties. The more varying the breed is from the 'main' line of breed and the more branches there are, the higher the detail level goes (one level for every two branches, and one level for each branch that is different in any radical way from the main line) all the way up to ten. [:][:][:][:][:][:][:]BREEDS[:][:][:][:][:][:][:] Breed types... Sub-breeds... +750FB Generation breeds... +500FB Unstable breeds... +250FB Color breeds... +250FB (Sub-breeds are a creature, officially recognized by Creature Breeder, as a breed of the creature it encompasses. Generation breeds are a creature, not officially recognized by Creature Breeder, but that meets most Creature Breeder qualifications for being a sub-breed, even though it is not. They may be bred originally from a sub-breed, but also may not. Generation breeds here will meet all qualifications for being a sub-breed, except for possibly being derived from other sub-breeds. Unstable breeds are a term coined here, for breeds that are either not yet or will not be stabilized, AKA, they have a variable chance at their offspring not looking the same as them. Color breeds are a term coined here. The creature isn't quite remarkable enough to be a sub-breed, and doesn't meet my own standards for being a generation breed, but will consistently turn out with the same color and/or pattern time and time again. Breed instability - Bred for one to five generations... -100FB Bred for six to ten generations... -75FB Bred for eleven to fifteen generations... -50FB Bred for sixteen to nineteen generations... -25FB Breed instability coincides with the unstable breeds, mentioned above. Please remember, these are not price increments, but price reductions, so don't add them to the total price --- just subtract them. Breed rarity - Albino Generation breed... +200FB Melanistic Generation breed... +500FB Desired Generation breed... +450FB Albino Color breed... +75FB Melanistic Color breed... +150FB Desired Color breed... +250FB Desired Sub-breed... +750FB How can you tell if a breed is desired? It'll be marked so in the journal, so be sure to keep an eye out for that. 'Desired' breeds are breeds that, obviously, are desired quite heavily by the public. Lineage - Creature with sub-breed in bloodline... +250FB Creature with fake sub-breed in bloodline... -500FB Creature with desired Generation breed in bloodline... +150FB Creature with desired sub-breed in bloodline... +175FB Creature with 1-3 albino creatures in bloodline (does not qualify if creature is any kind of breed...)... +25FB Creature with 4-6 albino creatures in bloodline (does not qualify if creature is any kind of breed...)... +50FB Creature with 7-9 albino creatures in bloodline (does not qualify if creature is any kind of breed...) +75FB Creature with 10-12 albino creatures in bloodline(does not qualify if creature is any kind of breed...) +100FB Creature with 13-15 albino creatures in bloodline (does not qualify if creature is any kind of breed...) +150FB Creature with 16-18 albino creatures in bloodline (does not qualify if creature is any kind of breed...) +175FB Creature with 1-3 melanistic creatures in bloodline (does not qualify if creature is any kind of breed...)... +50FB Creature with 4-6 melanistic creatures in bloodline (does not qualify if creature is any kind of breed...)... +75FB Creature with 7-9 melanistic creatures in bloodline (does not qualify if creature is any kind of breed...) +100FB Creature with 10-12 melanistic creatures in bloodline (does not qualify if creature is any kind of breed...) +125FB Creature with 13-15 melanistic creatures in bloodline (does not qualify if creature is any kind of breed...) +175FB Creature with 16-18 melanistic creatures in bloodline (does not qualify if creature is any kind of breed...) +200FB Creature with no 'unique' creatures in bloodline... -250FB Generation breeds that have been bred beyond twenty generations are raised in price by +250 for each ten generations, until generation one hundred. At one hundred, they will cost +2000FB, at one hundred and fifty generations, +10000FB, +15000FB for two hundred generations, and +100000FB for two hundred and fifty generations. Color breeds that have been bred beyond twenty generations are raised in price by +50 for each ten generations, until generation one hundred. At one hundred, they will cost +1000FB, at one hundred and fifty generations, +1500FB, +1500FB for two hundred generations, and +10000FB for two hundred and fifty generations. Why are breeds that have been bred for many, many generations more expensive? The longer exact specimens have been bred, the less likely they are to have any other genetic traits pop out. Plus, a lot of time has been put into having them be the purest strain of breed. And bragging rights. Of course, this also means that minimum-bred Generation breeds have the highest chance of mutating while still being a part of that breed. [:][:][:][:][:][:][:]OTHER PRICE STUFF[:][:][:][:][:][:][:] Permissions to run ads on the farm can be obtained. However, a fine must be paid of 50FB for each farm you wish to advertise in, all the way up to 1000FB. Breeding with pets on the farm costs 25% of what they cost to buy, except for any creature under 500FBs, which are free to breed with. Trading is a finicky manner, and must be a trade of equal value. Creatures not for trade will be noted in their journals. On holidays, creature prices may be lowered, especially those of certain breed or color. Breeding is free on Valentine's Day. Eggs are free on Easter. Beaklings are free on Thanksgiving. All creatures are free on Christmas, except for very particular, important ones. Hanukkah features one type of free pet each day. Pets a year old and over are all free on New Years. People who have bought five pets that are 50FB or over receive a 5% discount on all pets below 500FB, and a free public level-one commission, and a voucher for one free pet of 150FB or below. Discount includes breeding. People who have bought ten pets that are 100FB or over receive a 15% discount on all pets below 750FB, and a 5% discount for all above, a free commission up to level two detail, private or public, and a voucher for one free pet of 250FB or below. Discount includes breeding. People who have bought fifteen pets that are 150FB or over receive a 25% discount on all pets below 1000FB, and a 15% discount for all above, a free commission up to level four detail, private or public, and a voucher for five free pets of 500FB or below. Discount includes breeding. Discount includes breeding. People who have bought twenty pets that are 250FB or over receive a 50% discount on all pets below 1500FB, and a 25% discount for all above, a free commission up to level six detail, private or public, and a voucher for five free pets of 750FB or below. Discount includes breeding. People who have bought twenty five pets that are 500FB or over receive a 75% discount on all pets below 2000FB, and a 50% discount for all above, a free commission up to level eight detail, private or public, and a voucher for five free pets of 1000FB or below. Discount includes breeding. People who have bought fifty pets that are 1000FB or over receive a 100% discount on all pets 2500FB or below for free, 75% off of all pets above, a free commission up to level ten detail, private or public, and a voucher for ten free pets of 1500FB or below. Discount includes breeding.