Secrets of Enjoying A Wonderful Day How about living one day in a different way from your other days? You can create and enjoy a beautiful, satisfying and wonderful day. You can do so, by making small changes in your daily life. Sit down on your bed, just before going to sleep, and tell yourself that you will wake up tomorrow one hour earlier than usual. Repeat a few affirmations, so that your mind accepts this idea, of having a wonderful day. Think for a while about the benefits you will gain by waking and getting up earlier, and about the things you can do in this extra hour. Set your alarm clock to the appointed hour, and lie down on your bed. While in bed, watch the thoughts that pop up into your mind, but try to do so detachedly and without any tension. Just watch them calmly, and in a relaxed manner, until you fall asleep. When the alarm clock rings in the morning, get up immediately, with a smile on your face. Don't give in to the desire to stay some more minutes in bed. Don't listen to your mind, which will probably persuade you to stay in bed a little longer, because it is too early to get up. Get up, wash, change your clothes, and sit down for meditation for about fifteen minutes, using any meditation technique that you know. If you do not know how to meditate, just sit down and visualize some pleasurable and happy events from the past. It is not enough just to wake up early. Often, after waking up, we do not get out of bed, but stay for some more minutes, and then fall asleep again. You have to persuade yourself to get out of bed immediately after you wake up. It is pleasant to cuddle under the blankets, especially on a cold morning, but on this special day you need to get out of bed immediately. The feeling of pleasure and power you gain by getting immediately is greater than the pleasure of staying in bed. I am not going to describe how to handle each and every action and situation during the day, as every individual has a different life and schedule. However, I am going to give some general examples and hints to help you design your own day. Examples of how to make your day a wonderful day Waking up earlier, gives you extra time in the morning. So why not enjoy a nourishing and tasty breakfast? Prepare something you love, something that you usually do not have the time to prepare in the morning. You have got the time today. Endeavor to be aware of what you are doing throughout the day. When you eat, for example, pay attention to your food, and don't read the newspaper or watch the television at the same time. If you do so, you will enjoy your food much more. In the same way, try to focus your attention on your other activities. Concentrating on what you are doing helps you do it better and more efficiently. Remember to smile more often during the day. It is important that the smile is not an artificial, but that it comes from inside you. Smiling makes you and other people feel happier. Expect the best and do your best. Be patient and tolerant toward others. While driving your car, decide to be kind and tolerant of the other drivers. Stop at street crossings to let the pedestrians cross the street. Be courteous and considerate on the road. This behavior will make you, and the other drivers and pedestrians feel good. As a consequence, they too will be kind to other drivers and pedestrians, at least for a little while. A good morning with a smile has a great influence on everyone. Greet the people who work with you, even if you have never done so before. Coming to work with a strong intention to have a great day, and handling everything in a positive and decisive manner, will have its influence upon the people whom you come in contact with. This will help you to broadcast peace, good will and happiness.