Probably crazy for Even thinking about messing with dry grain spawn. Where else can you get White Shiitake? + it was cheap. I've already read the other posts where it says there is a lot of contamination problems with this stuff. Can't find any recent ones though. Was wondering if anyone has unlocked the secret to getting it growing yet, or is it one big scam? Haven't done much with it. The 2014 expiration date on it kind of sent it straight to the bottom of the to do list. 10-4-2012 I did however inoculate 2 quarts with the white and 2 quarts with a brown shiitake dry grain spawn. 50/50 Aspen shavings & sawdust(from a local cabinet shop a cherry and poplar mix), little bran and gypsum. It has been about 6 weeks & no contamination. No obvious mycelium growth either. I can see where the grains have hydrated and swollen. I shook the jars(actually rolled lightly) and nothing is clumped and grown together like I think it should be by now. Pondering going to agar with it. Wondering if anyone has any good solid advice on this stuff. It would be greatly appreciated.