For honor highlander gear => C2 Defense: How much damage you normally take. I'm not going to bother attributing each set of stats to every piece in the game, but these are how each of the stats are combined on each piece of armor or weapon. Valkyrie, Nobushi, Tiandi — A Radiant Rebound B Remedy C Feline Agility D Supersonic E Clever Tactics, F Rising Dawn G Rapid Refresh A Radiant Rebound: +20% movement speed on spawn 10 seconds. Heroic, or purple gear becomes available at Reputation 3, but like blue gear, is unlikely to randomly drop. Shields Up: when spawn or revived, +15 health shield. So compare that to getting at level 1, 2, or 3 and add in all the steel and salvage youll need to use just to get those to 7. Bone Crusher 360 Takedown Heave-Ho! Armor Highlanders have most of their armor covered by their clothes but some scale armor can be seen. They are never going to be the first to jump into battle, as they will plan each move and always be ready to counter. No matter the character you play, gear comes in six different categories: arms, chest, and helm for your armor and guard, hilt, and blade for your weapon. Gameplay The first thing to get to grips with regarding the Highlander is the two stances; Defensive and Offensive. It will cost increasingly high amounts of steel and faction scrap for each level. Four new Legendary weapon visual have been added for all heroes. It is also possible to preview in fullscreen to watch every detail of the Execution, Emote or Mood Effect before purchase. In both cases, the logic always worked properly, but visually it simply looked off. For Honor Season 3 patch notes: Ubisoft's 1.11 includes Highlander and Gladiator news - The damage of the Charged Heavy will still apply, but it will free-up the target. The two are not one and the same. I've seen various videos, and not so many Reddit posts that discuss how gear works but don't get all the facts correct or missed some things. A lot of you probably already for honor highlander gear a lot of this, but when I was trying to figure out how to use my crates, there was nothing online and I had to ask 6+ people in game until I finally got an answer. This guide is meant to be a reference point for anyone unsure of the specifics of their gear or the gear they want, as well as a manual for new players. Notes: When I say randomly drop, I mean drop as a reward after a match. If I missed something, stated incorrectly or you know something that I said I wasn't sure of, feel free to tell me. You get common gear for every hero, regardless of prestige. It looks pretty lame and its stats are negligible. Rare, or blue gear becomes available at Reputation 1, but has a low chance of dropping for random drops. Heroic, or purple gear becomes available at Reputation 3, but like blue gear, is unlikely to randomly drop. Heroic gear is the highest level of gear so far, I've seen people at Reputation 9-12 who haven't gotten upgrades. There might be higher gear upgrades in the future. As your reputation increases, the chances of heroic gear dropping becomes more common. Its represented in the small colored box by your name during load screens for matches. You can also find your gear score while customizing your character, but the game also gives you an individual gear score for armor and weapons. There are only six slots available for every hero, three armor and three weapon slots. The level of each individual piece of gear equipped adds up to your total for honor highlander gear score. The color of your gear score seems to change from gray to blue around 40-45, from blue to purple around 70-80, and from purple to gold when you reach max gear score, for honor highlander gear. Gearscore is simply an indicator of how high level you or your opponents gear is. There is no actual gold gear in the game, just gold gearscore. Heroic gear at Reputation 1 drops at level 13, and the max it can be upgraded is level 18. Six pieces of level 18 gear add up to 108, which is a gold gearscore. Yes you can upgrade gear. It will cost increasingly high amounts of steel and faction scrap for each level. So you can scrap all your heroic gear on a Kensei and then use that scrap to upgrade an Orochi's armor. Faction scrap is represented by the anvil in the bottom right of your character customization screen. But also previously mentioned, the chances of it dropping randomly at Rep 3 are extremely unlikely. The Random 5-Gear crate will net with 3 Blues + 2 Purples, or sometimes 2 Blues + 3 Purples if you get lucky. However, as you continue to increase your reputation level, purple gear becomes much more common and will drop at higher levels, and from what I understand can randomly drop. And gear crates will give more purples as you get higher rep as far as I know, cannot confirm. From what I've seen, this unique gear only applies to weapons. They're basically just heroic pieces of gear that drop much, much less frequently, and look snazzy, some might say gaudy. They don't have any added benefits above regular heroic gear, its all aesthetic. For example, the Kensei has the Murasame set. The first way is to wait until Reputation 3, then blow all your crates and steel on scavenger crates. Ideally you want to open the 5 Piece crates until you get a majority of the gear you want, since these crates will net two purples. Then you can open weapon and armor crates until you find the specific pieces you want. The chances of you getting a full set of heroic gear with all the stats you want are low. I spent 9 crates from the campaign and 18K~ steel that I had saved specifically for this, and I was very short on funds. I had to buy a 10k steel pack just to finish getting the gear I wanted and then had to spend around 15K more steel to upgrade it all to level 18. The second way to do it, which I now recommend, is to just be patient. Wait until for honor highlander gear hit Rep 4 or 5, and you will start getting Heroic gear much more frequently, and it will come in higher levels. So you might get the piece of gear you wanted just by playing, and it might also be a higher level, so you won't have to spend as much upgrading it. If you don't get the gear you want, you can just get rid of it for a hefty amount of scrap. Also from what I've been told, you will start getting more and more purple gear in crates the higher reputation you are. So obviously this way will take more time, but in the long run it will be worth it. The only reason would be so that you could change the look of the gear to a piece you really liked. You can only change the look of purple gear to that of other purple gear. I'm not certain about blue and gray compatibility, but once you're running all purples it wont matter anyway. So scrap all your blues and grays that you aren't using until you get a full set of purple, then scrap it all. Changing the look of your gear works like this. Item 1 has the stats you want but looks stupid. Item 2 is a unique heroic you wanted, but has bad stats. So you 'Change Look' of item 1 to item 2. Now you have two pieces of Item 2, but with different stats. Item 1 is gone and you will not be able to recover it, unless you have duplicates of 1. Obviously hero weapons and armors vary, but they for honor highlander gear have the same stats. I'm not going to bother attributing each set of stats to every piece in the game, but these are how each of the stats are combined on each piece of armor or weapon. Heroic for honor highlander gear stats work like this: One stat will be extremely high, one will be high as well, not as much but still enough to make a huge difference, and the for honor highlander gear stat will be basic or very low. So you're giving up one stat for two very good stats essentially. Chip damage meaning, even though you blocked you still take a sliver of damage. Some heroes have passive that amplify their chip damage. This stat increases your resistance to chip damage, meaning that the more of it you have, the less damage you will take from blocked attacks. Obviously this stat works better for characters like Shugoki, who will likely get blocked often. But you can still deal damage even if you get blocked. It does a lot of things. The first is it gives you resistance to those annoying Feat debuffs that certain characters have, that lower your damage and health etc. It only applies to debuffs on you. As far as I know, it doesn't decrease affect or damage for honor highlander gear traps. The second aspect is that it decreases the amount of bleed damage you take. The third aspect is it decreases convalescence time from stun, as well as parry recovery. In other words, when somebody parries you, your character is in a vulnerable state for a certain period of time, where you cannot act. This stat decreases that time. Unclear whether or not it will still decrease recovery time in other aspects 3b Revenge Mode Duration: How long your revenge mode lasts. In other words, how fast you start to regenerate stamina when you are exhausted. It does not apply to how fast the stamina bar refills, that is what Stamina Regen does. A2 Revenge Mode Attack: How much damage you do in revenge mode. A3 Revenge Gain by Injury: How much the revenge meter builds when you take damage. B1 Feat Cooldown Reduction: How fast your feats come back up. B2 Revenge Mode Defense: How much damage you take while in revenge mode. B3 Revenge Gain by Defense: How much the revenge meter builds when you block incoming attacks. C1 Attack: How much damage you normally do. C2 Defense: How much damage you normally take. C3 Stamina Cost Reduction: How much stamina your attacks, rolls, dodges, etc. The first is that a lot of people underestimate debuff resistance. They will still do base damage. And if you ignore this stat and let it drop extremely low, you will take a ton of bleed damage. Secondly, it decreases the time you're in a blinded state when stunned by say, Raider top light stun, which to some people might be a big deal. Thirdly, when its highly upgraded it will decrease the time your character recovers from a parry. Unclear whether or not it will still decrease recovery time in other aspects Secondly, this is how revenge builds work. Low For honor highlander gear Duration, high revenge gain by injury and defense. So basically you get a for honor highlander gear revenge bar by blocking two hits, then you activate it and stagger your opponent, and then it for honor highlander gear out in 5 seconds and you do it again. There's no real reason to have high revenge duration, because all it does it make your attacks uninterruptible. This might seem cool, but any good player will just block the attack regardless. I've seen very good players who essentially can never die, because as soon as they take damage they pop revenge, stagger the enemy and two hit them, then do it again two seconds later. Headbutt spam that motherfucker into a ravine if you have to. PostScript: If I missed anything, or you know something that I don't, failed to mention or simply stated incorrectly, please let me know so I can make the necessary changes. And feel free to ask me any other questions I might not have addressed. You can change the look of any piece of gear to a corresponding piece in that gear set The fun thing that isn't really clear is that when you change the look the item doesn't just change the look it changes the name as well. I'll use peacekeepers weapons for example. Their rare main hand is a narzan blade. If you get one but it has shit stats but you have a weapon that has prime stats for honor highlander gear want it to look like a narzan blade, when you go to change look, the weapon doesn't just take the aesthetic look the new one is also converted to a narzan blade as well. That's how you see a lot so streamers with amazing gear. They didn't get lucky with every roll. Those items may initially have had shit stats but they changed the look and the item name changes as well. Because the steel and salvage you'll use on common grey gear will be full wasteful. After rep 1, you'll get blue gear which will be level 7 right off the bat. So compare that to getting at level 1, 2, or 3 and add in all the steel and salvage youll need to use just to get those to 7. Instead, just wait and save up. I've been lucky enough to find no one but 2 Gilgamesh Guards for my warden. Now, they had the same gear level but one had max throw and min rev gained by injury, the other got the opposite. Does that mean that for each piece of gear there are multiple variations. I mean, would the Gigamesh Blade have determined stats or would there be a version with max atk and min def and another with max def and min attack. At rep 3 you get level 13's, at 4 you get 13's, so on. At rep 8 your higher level gear will be level 18 without requiring upgrades. Also the lower level items will improve as well. I think that around rep 11 or 12, all of your crate drops should be max level. This stat is kind of unique, and in my opinion kind of broken. The Revenge build is broken in my opinion for a couple of reasons. Revenge is supposed to give you an edge while outnumbered, its not supposed to make you an unstoppable juggernaut, even when you're playing a light character. Its to saturated on the revenge build that people don't actually have to worry about being good, they can block a hit, take two and then pop revenge when the enemy is swinging, down them, and knock off half their health bar. Sure you could not attack, but half the time the revenge fills in the middle of your attack before you can cancel. The other reason I think its broken is because people will get revenge easily in 1v1s, in the gamemodes that permit it obviously. Then if you're really good, you defend every single attack for 15 seconds and hope to god you don't get hit, because you'll be dead after two. Many characters cannot run away, I play Warlord for example and he's slow as hell, the only people that couldn't catch him are probably the Shugoki, and thats it. And its not worth buffing sprint speed just to run from revenge builds. All it does is give you a greater chance to perform. It doesn't mitigate skill requirement, in fact it allows you to be more skillful. I don't know how you can compare the two. Lastly, I'm not blaming players for using it. It's in the game and they can do whatever the hell they want with whats in the game. Imagine eight people with full Revenge mode in a 4v4 Deathmatch. If they all just play defensively, which is what people constantly do now, not a single person will die. Can we double check: B3 Revenge Gain by Defense: How much the revenge meter builds when you take damage. I thought it meant how much your revenge bar builds from blocking attacks, not from taking damage. If this is not true then whats the difference between Revenge Gain by Injury and Revenge Gain by Defense. When he applies it on you, it causes lowered attack and defense. With Debuff Resistance, your stats will not be lowered by as much, and the duration of the debuff will not last as long. If they don't, that stat is meaningless for them, unless a decreased stat makes them start to take chip damage. I've been asking this in different places, but no one seems to know. Someone said that the fast revive feat always confers max speed, which would make this gear stat redundant as well?.