This is a casino-style Minecraft server. you can use real or fake bitcoins, doesn't matter. ( credits ) —– HOW TO CONNECT —– Open up Minecraft. If you don’t own the game. You can get it here: Click Multiplayer -> Add Server Server Name: BitVegas Address: When the server prompts you to use custom textures, click YES —– IN-GAME COMMANDS —– /btc checks your balance /mode switches between play money and real bitcoins /refill tops up your play money (do this when you first join) /deposit gives you a link explaining where to deposit real bitcoins to /withdraw x.xx withdraw bitcoins (Can also use /withdraw all) /referrals earn bitcoins from referring players —– NAME COLORS —– Red: Play money mode Purple: Real bitcoin mode Green: Real bitcoin mode with > 1 BTC Gold: Real bitcoin mode with > 25 BTC