//#pragma strict static var playerObj : GameObject; static var talkCamera : GameObject; static var sexCamera : GameObject; static var linkToChat; static var linkToInv; static var quests = new Array([["Collect 5 Apples", 0]]); function Start () { playerObj = GameObject.Find("Main Camera"); talkCamera = GameObject.Find("QuestCamera"); sexCamera = GameObject.Find("Camera"); linkToChat = GameObject.Find("chat").GetComponent(chat); linkToInv = GameObject.Find("Inventory").GetComponent(Inventory); linkToItemEffect = GameObject.Find("Inventory").GetComponent(Inventory); // Quest Name, State (0 = not started, 1 = in progress, 2 = completed) //quests = [["Collect 5 Apples", 0]]; } function Update () { } function startQuest(index) { switch (index) { case 0: if (quests[index][1] == 0) { changeCamera("on"); linkToChat.addLine("Kat: I have a quest for you! Go pick 5 apples and bring them back to me!", 5); yield WaitForSeconds (5); changeCamera("off"); quests[index][1] = 1; } else if (quests[index][1] == 1) { changeCamera("on"); apples = 0; for(var t:Transform in linkToInv.Contents) { var a:Item=t.GetComponent(Item); if (a.name == "default") { apples += a.stack; } } //Debug.Log(apples); if (apples >= 5) { linkToChat.addLine("Kat: Oh thank you! Here is your reward! *winks*", 5); for (var count=0; count<5; count++) { for(var t:Transform in linkToInv.Contents) { var i:Item=t.GetComponent(Item); if (i.name == "default") { playersInv = FindObjectOfType(Inventory); //finding the players inv. if (i.stack == 1) //Remove item { playersInv.RemoveItem(i.transform); break; } else //Remove from stack { i.stack -= 1; break; } } } } quests[index][1] = 2; } else { linkToChat.addLine("Kat: Please go get me those apples I asked for!", 5); } yield WaitForSeconds (5); changeCamera("off"); } else if (quests[index][1] == 2) { changeCamera("on"); linkToChat.addLine("Kat: I sure hope you liked your reward. *grins*", 5); yield WaitForSeconds (5); changeCamera("off"); } //break; } } function changeCamera(state) { switch(state) { case "on": sexCamera.camera.active = false; talkCamera.camera.active = true; playerObj.camera.active = false; break; case "off": talkCamera.camera.active = false; playerObj.camera.active = true; break; } }