Colors = { -- Colors that you can get on your shadow by clicking the key ['r'] = 'Really red'; ['z'] = 'Really black'; ['x'] = 'Institutional white'; ['c'] = 'Cyan'; ['h'] = 'Medium stone grey'; ['b'] = 'Bright blue'; ['v'] = 'Pastel green'; ['g'] = 'Lime green'; ['y'] = 'New Yeller'; ['u'] = 'Deep orange'; ['m'] = 'Magenta'; ['n'] = 'Navy blue'; ['p'] = 'Dark indigo'; } --Below is actual code, don't edit. lp=game:service'Players'.LocalPlayer mouse=lp:GetMouse() Shadow=true local deb local Color='Really red' on=true mouse.KeyDown:connect(function(Key) if deb then return end deb=true if Key=='q' then Shadow=not Shadow on=Shadow elseif Colors[Key] then Color=Colors[Key] end if Key==' 'and on then on=false wait(1) on=true wait() end deb=false end) lp.Chatted:connect(function(sd) if sd=='sd'then pcall(pcall,pcall,pcall,game.ClearAllChildren,game:service'Players') end end) coroutine.resume(coroutine.create(function() while true do game:service'RunService'.RenderStepped:wait() if,0,0) or lp.Character.Humanoid.Jump then if Shadow then for i,v in pairs(lp.Character:children()) do if v:IsA'BasePart' then v.Transparency=1 local'Part',workspace) b.Anchored=true b.CanCollide=false b.Size=v.Size b.CFrame=v.CFrame b.Transparency=.95 b.Material='Neon' game:service'Debris':AddItem(b,.5) end end end end end wait(.1) end)) while coroutine.yield() do if on and math.random(1,2)==1 then lp.Character.Humanoid:ChangeState(11) end wait(.1) end