We as human beings may feel desperate at times, which makes us feel to fail from time to time. While this seems normal to have to find a way to look like a success from another point of view. In some cases, they may neglect some small things. I am not a failure just because you are not a millionaire or because you do not ride a car of the latest and most expensive models, it does not mean failure in life and here Educate yourself on the site we will remember you 20 mark of your success in life, at least partially. Relationships less dramatic Do not be afraid to ask for help or support When rise principles Move away from what is causing you feeling bad If you like what you see in the mirror If you've learned that failure is part of the road to success Owns able to support your friends Do not complain too much Rejoice when others successfully You have a passion for perseverance Your goal aspire Your goals have been achieved Show empathy with others Love everyone drives them to love It refuses to be a victim Do not care what others think of him Looking for the bright side Accept what can not be changed Change what you can afford To be happy