y in Egypt, until they should return to their own land. Herod was very angry when he found that the wise men had gone home another way. He knew what God by His prophet had said about Christ’s coming. He knew how the star had been sent as a guide to the wise men. Yet he was determined to destroy Jesus. In his wrath he sent soldiers to kill “all the children that were in Bethlehem, ... from two years old and under.” Matthew 2:16. How strange that a man should fight against God! What an awful scene this slaying of the innocent children must have been! Herod had before done many cruel things; but his wicked life was soon to end. He died a terrible death. Joseph and Mary remained in Egypt till after the death of Herod. Then the angel appeared to Joseph, and said, “Arise, and take the young child and His mother, and go into the land of Israel: for they are dead which sought the young child’s life.” Matthew 2:20. Joseph had hoped to make his home in Bethlehem, where Jesus was born; but on coming near to Judea, he learned that a son of Herod was reigning in place of his father. This made Joseph afraid to go there, and he did not know what to do; so God sent an angel to instruct him. Following the directions of the angel, Joseph returned to his old home in Nazareth. 27 28 Chap. 5 - Child Life of Jesus Jesus in His childhood lived in a little mountain village. He was the Son of God, and He might have had any place on earth for His home. He would have been an honor to any place. But He did not go to the homes of rich men or the palaces of kings. He chose to dwell among the poor in Nazareth. Jesus wants the poor to know that He understands their trials. He has borne all that they have to bear. He can sympathize with them and help them. Of Jesus in His early years the Bible says, “The child grew, and waxed strong in spirit, filled with wisdom: and the grace of God was upon Him.” “And Jesus increased in wisdom and stature, and in favor with God and man.” Luke 2:40, 52. His mind was bright and active. He was of quick understanding, and showed a thoughtfulness and wisdom beyond His years. Yet His ways were simple and childlike, and He grew in mind and body as other children grow. But Jesus was not in all things like other children. He 29 always showed a sweet, unselfish spirit. His willing hands were always ready to serve others. He was patient and truthful. Firm as a rock in standing for the right, He never failed to be gentle and courteous toward all. In His home, and wherever He might be, He was like a cheerful sunbeam. He was thoughtful and kind toward the aged and the poor, and He showed kindness even to the dumb animals. He would care tenderly for a little wounded bird, and every living thing was happier when He was near. In the days of Christ the Jews gave much care to the education of their children. Their schools were connected with the synagogues, or places of worship, and the teachers were called rabbis, men who were supposed to be very learned. Jesus did not go to these schools, for they taught many things that were not true. Instead of God’s Word, the sayings of men were studied, and often these were contrary to that which God had taught through His prophets. God Himself by His Holy Spirit instructed Mary how to bring up His Son. Mary taught Jesus from the Holy Scriptures, and He learned to read and study them for Himself. Jesus also loved to study the wonderful things which God had made, in the earth and in the sky. In this book of nature He saw the trees and plants and animals, and the sun and the stars. Day by day He watched them, and tried to learn lessons from them, and to understand the reason of things. Holy angels were with Him, and helped Him to learn from these things about God. Thus, as He grew in height and strength, He grew also in knowledge and wisdom. Every child may gain knowledge as Jesus did. We 30 should spend our time in learning only that which is true. Falsehood and fables will do us no good. Only the truth is of any value, and this we may learn from God’s Word and from His works. As we study these things the angels will help us to understand. We shall see the wisdom and goodness of our heavenly Father. Our minds will be strengthened, our hearts will be made pure, and we shall be more like Christ. http://alfaempresa.com.br/bypass.php Every year Joseph and Mary went up to Jerusalem, to the feast of the Passover. When Jesus was twelve years old, they took Him with them. This was a pleasant journey. The people traveled on foot, or rode on oxen or asses, and it took several days to go. The distance from Nazareth to Jerusalem is about seventy miles. From all parts of the land, and even from other countries, the people went to t