Download Gold farming guide wow mop raid >> Read Online Gold farming guide wow mop raid >> Discussion should focus on the theory of making gold in World of Warcraft. This is not a place I've been digging through the adventure guide looking at Cata and MoP bosses/loot drops. I currently have a 104 DH, not even 48hrs old yet, mainly so I can jump around from legion questing to farming raids. 9 Jun 2016 I'm about to start farming a whole bunch of raids for gold, and I'm trying to decide which ones will be worth it for the time invested. I'm going to be doing it on my rogue for the extra speed. So far I'm thinking I will do DS, BoT, Firelands, and the one with nefarion. I'm considering ICC, but I don't know if anything 5 Feb 2016 23 May 2016 Shipyard with the 90% gold build (murloc crew route) mop quests and heroic dungeons. Raids if u can swing it. I do HoF 10h resets on my war and make 4K in 20 minutes with potion of luck. I also farm vaults and ToT but I do that for pets and mounts. soo lfr as well vale farming for shards keys and treasures 13 Sep 2016 19 Jul 2015 As there are many different kinds of ways to make WoW gold, I will try to cover as many different ways that I know of, use, and are useful in making gold. Vanilla, BC, LK, Cata, and MoP raids/dungeons are all soloable (MoP depends on the class. Hunter/Pally/DK can all probably solo them. Speaking as a 21 May 2016 I took a break from BC to about late MoP in before blizzard adds every suggestion people make to farm on a list of things to nerf . I would req the addon instance profit tracker it tell ya the raw gold & vender gold gained, and the time it took to do the run. cata raids give around 2-5k per run depending on Thankfully you only have to waste money once by buying the current expansion and sustaining your playtime with wow tokens by farming legacy raids and even filling your pockets with plenty of gold as a side-effect. The first thing you should read is the Guide to soloing legacy raids if you're not familiar with 14 Feb 2015 I also found that mobs at Timeless Isle and Isle of Giant take only few seconds to kill and drop like 1.5 gold each, mobs in Isle of Giants also drop alot bones that are selling on Auction for like 1 gold each. So what is best spots for farmig in gold in open world? And best dungeons and raids for farming gold? 23 Oct 2016