/** * ei.cfg Removal/Restore Utility * Copyright (C) Kai Liu. Licensed under a standard BSD-style license. * CRC16 code was adapted from 7-Zip, which is licensed under the GPL. **/ //#include #pragma intrinsic(memset, memcmp, memcpy) #define CB_WORK_RANGE (0x1000000) #define CCH_WORK_RANGE (CB_WORK_RANGE/sizeof(WCHAR)) #define CCH_PATH_BUFFER (MAX_PATH << 1) typedef struct { UINT16 ident; UINT16 version; UINT8 checksum; UINT8 reserved; UINT16 serial; UINT16 crc; UINT16 crclen; UINT32 location; } UDFTAG, *PUDFTAG; typedef struct { UINT32 cbExtent; BYTE location[6]; BYTE iu[6]; } LONGALLOC, *PLONGALLOC; typedef struct { UDFTAG tag; UINT16 version; UINT8 characteristics; UINT8 cbIdentifier; LONGALLOC ICB; UINT16 cbIU; BYTE misc[2]; } UDFFILEDESC, *PUDFFILEDESC; // CRC16 adapted from 7-Zip void Crc16GenerateTable(); UINT16 Crc16Calc(const void *data, size_t size); // CRC16 adapted from 7-Zip #pragma comment(linker, "/version:1.1") #pragma comment(linker, "/entry:eicfg_remover") void eicfg_remover( ) { PVOID pvBuffer = LocalAlloc(LMEM_FIXED, CB_WORK_RANGE); // Set up the OPENFILENAME structure TCHAR szFileName[CCH_PATH_BUFFER]; OPENFILENAME ofn; ZeroMemory(&ofn, sizeof(ofn)); ofn.lStructSize = sizeof(ofn); ofn.lpstrFilter = TEXT("ISO Image (*.iso)\0*.iso\0"); ofn.lpstrFile = szFileName; ofn.lpstrFile[0] = 0; ofn.nMaxFile = CCH_PATH_BUFFER; ofn.Flags = OFN_DONTADDTORECENT | OFN_FILEMUSTEXIST | OFN_HIDEREADONLY; if (pvBuffer && GetOpenFileName(&ofn)) { HANDLE hFile = CreateFile( ofn.lpstrFile, GENERIC_READ | GENERIC_WRITE, 0, NULL, OPEN_EXISTING, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL | FILE_FLAG_SEQUENTIAL_SCAN, NULL ); UINT64 cbFile; DWORD cbOperation; if ( hFile != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE && GetFileSizeEx(hFile, (PLARGE_INTEGER)&cbFile) && cbFile > CB_WORK_RANGE && ReadFile(hFile, pvBuffer, CB_WORK_RANGE, &cbOperation, NULL) && cbOperation == CB_WORK_RANGE ) { PWSTR pszBuffer = pvBuffer; UINT32 posStart; PUDFFILEDESC pDesc = NULL; int i; // Locate the file name entry for (i = 0x100; i < CCH_WORK_RANGE - 0x100; ++i) { static const WCHAR szNeedle[] = L"ei.cfg"; if (memcmp(pszBuffer + i, szNeedle, sizeof(szNeedle) - sizeof(WCHAR)) == 0) { posStart = i * sizeof(WCHAR) - sizeof(UDFFILEDESC); pDesc = (PUDFFILEDESC)((PBYTE)pvBuffer + posStart); if ( pDesc->tag.ident == 257 && pDesc->tag.version == 2 && pDesc->tag.reserved == 0 && pDesc->tag.crclen == sizeof(UDFFILEDESC) - sizeof(UDFTAG) + (sizeof(szNeedle) - sizeof(WCHAR)) && pDesc->cbIdentifier == sizeof(szNeedle) - 1 && pDesc->cbIU == 0 && (pDesc->characteristics == 0 || pDesc->characteristics == 5) ) { // Passed sanity check break; } else { pDesc = NULL; } } } if (pDesc) { PBYTE pbRaw = (PBYTE)pDesc; // Toggle whether the file is deleted pDesc->characteristics = (pDesc->characteristics) ? 0 : 5; // Recalculate the descriptor CRC16 Crc16GenerateTable(); pDesc->tag.crc = Crc16Calc(&pDesc->version, pDesc->tag.crclen); // Recalculate the tag checksum pDesc->tag.checksum = 0; for (i = 0; i < 4; ++i) pDesc->tag.checksum += pbRaw[i]; for (i = 5; i < 16; ++i) pDesc->tag.checksum += pbRaw[i]; // Update the ISO file SetFilePointer(hFile, posStart, NULL, FILE_BEGIN); WriteFile(hFile, pDesc, sizeof(UDFFILEDESC), &cbOperation, NULL); MessageBox( NULL, (pDesc->characteristics) ? TEXT("ei.cfg removed") : TEXT("ei.cfg restored"), NULL, MB_ICONINFORMATION ); } else { MessageBox(NULL, TEXT("ei.cfg not found."), NULL, MB_ICONERROR); } } else { MessageBox(NULL, TEXT("Input error."), NULL, MB_ICONERROR); } if (hFile != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) CloseHandle(hFile); } LocalFree(pvBuffer); ExitProcess(0); } // CRC16 adapted from 7-Zip #define CRC16_INIT_VAL 0 #define CRC16_GET_DIGEST(crc) (crc) #define CRC16_UPDATE_BYTE(crc, b) (g_Crc16Table[(((crc) >> 8) ^ (b)) & 0xFF] ^ ((crc) << 8)) #define kCrc16Poly 0x1021 UINT16 g_Crc16Table[256]; void Crc16GenerateTable() { UINT32 i; int j; for (i = 0; i < 256; i++) { UINT32 r = (i << 8); for (j = 8; j > 0; j--) r = ((r & 0x8000) ? ((r << 1) ^ kCrc16Poly) : (r << 1)) & 0xFFFF; g_Crc16Table[i] = (UINT16)r; } } UINT16 Crc16_Update(UINT16 v, const void *data, size_t size) { const BYTE *p = (const BYTE *)data; for (; size > 0 ; size--, p++) v = CRC16_UPDATE_BYTE(v, *p); return v; } UINT16 Crc16Calc(const void *data, size_t size) { return Crc16_Update(CRC16_INIT_VAL, data, size); } // CRC16 adapted from 7-Zip