01:09 -!- Irssi: Starting query in freenode with gskelIig 01:09 I had to say this. 01:09 But litecoin_messiah is a scam 01:09 I have evidence that his pool charges a 50% fee 01:09 Share this with #litecoin please. 01:09 evidence? haha 01:09 I recommend you move to the gskellig.com:9332 p2poo 01:10 I am sorry to be the one to break this news to you 01:10 nah, im set with yaks, gskg is too stale for me 01:10 Just ask the #litecoin channel to 'check the fee on litepool.eu' anyway 01:11 how about "DUDE WTF is wrong with dem pool fees?" 01:11 on a related how about though, care to share all that evidence? thats like what its for 01:11 Yeah that works :P 01:12 look at his aggressive advertising 01:12 He flaunts his pool EVERYWHERE and it's because he makes a killing by taking all the earnings to himself. 01:18 -!- gskelIig [~gskelIig@www.nowhere-else.org] has quit [Client Quit] 01:44 -!- gskelIig is now known as gskellig