Johannes Kepler was born December 27, 1571, and died November 15, 1630, but between his life of 59 years he accomplished many things. One of his main accomplishments was his knowledge of the laws of planetary motion. He based his work on three books, Astronomia nova, Harmonices Mundi, and Epitome of Copernican Astronomy. In the early years of keplers life he was a teacher at a Seminary school in Graz, Austria, where he became a associate for Prince Hans Ulrich von Eggenburg. Later on in his life he became a mathematician, and worked along side Emperor Rudolf II a astronomer, and his two successors Matthias and Ferdinand II. Although Kepler accomplished many things in his adult years , the early years of his life were also successful. At age six kepler was introduced to astronomy, and had a huge love for it. He began observing celestial bodies at age six and astronomical events at age nine. Even though kepler was born in a small house with two brothers and one sister, and grandson of the major. Kepler had smallpox, which caused him to have weak vision and crippled hands, but kepler still pushed on and enrolled in grammar schools and Latin schools. Thus landing him in Tubingen Stift, a University of Tubingen. At the university he studied philosophy and theology. Years later Kepler Developed one of his first major cosmic projects, the Mysterium Cosmographicum model and book. This project was the bases for all of kepler’s studies in planetary orbits. With it without even realizing it kepler developed a theory from it called the cosmological theory, but he was not pleased with it, so he sent it to one of the most famous observational astronomers, Tycho Brahe. When Tycho Brahe received the book he was amazed by it, and offered Kepler to work with him. Kepler accepted the job and began working as a mathematical assistant. As the years went by Tycho Brahe past away in 1601, and kepler continued his observations from his data and concluded that the orbits where elliptical shaped. Which then led kepler into making two laws first and second(laws of Kepler). Later on kepler moved on to observing through telescopes, which led him to the New Star of 1604.Using techniques from Galileo’s use of the telescope, he designed a new type of lens, which allowed him to invert images. Soon after that he had a telescope named after him called a Keplerian telescope. As things were going so well, kepler’s seven year old son died in late 1611, soon after that his wife died. Kepler decided to move his wife and son to the same grave so they would rest in peace together. As a result of that kepler and his remaining children moved to Linz which is not Austria. Years later in 1613 kepler realized that he couldn’t look after the rest of the children, so he remarried to a woman named Susanna. Kepler learned a few things from his second wife. He developed a new method, which was later changed by Bonaventura Cavalieri, which evolved into the ancestry of the infinitesimal calculus. Even though kepler’s life has hard at points, kepler pushed on and learned new things that changed how people think today.