Effective Writing Techniques: • Title your work according to its content and in such a way that the intended audience is captivated and wants to read your work. • Use correct grammar and language syntax to prevent confusion and convey professionalism • Have a specific audience and target them using writing specific writing techniques. • Use a common tone throughout your writing for consistency. • Appeal to ethos, logos, and pathos all independently and dependently of one another to persuade your audience in an altruistic manner. • Repetition of a heavy point is important, but repeat ideas in different ways to subliminally integrate the message into the readers mind. • Always come back to the main thesis of the writing. All sub-arguments or tangents should come back and tie into the thesis. • Compare and contrast big ideas to juxtapose them in the readers head, while integrating both such that the point is made clear. • Use extensive data to back up any claim. • Warrant any claim or data to connect it to the prompt or thesis.