Kingdom name generator => It came to my attention that some people have a hard time figuring out how to make their organization name, so I thought i'd give it a shot. No, Axel doesn't contain an I, a C or an H and one X seems to have disappeared into the voids of nothingness. Kingdom Of Laraored, Kingdom Of Jelak, Kingdom Of Priveth, Kingdom Of Uneiniā€¦ These are just a few options you could choose. The box under the first title will contain all the names generated. Rachel: Xarlech, Rexlehc, Lerchax, L'Raxech. So my other possible Organization name is Neoxt. If you want to do more than one name, go ahead, but let's try to keep it at a limit, M'kay? We do not come across melodic and mysterious kingdom names every day. The name generator is pretty crappy actually. After his heart is gone, he will be known as Maxas! Whether you are writing a fantasy book, film or game, the right kingdom name can be a great way to add a sense of consolidated power in the hands of a single character, this can create pivotal decision points in any story or plot line which can add a twist to the whole story and keep the reader on the edge of their seat, so to speak. For example it could serve as a perfect Kingdom Hearts name generator. Ps: Mods, I wasn't sure if this belonged in the small talk section or video games section. Sounds too much like Zexion. Let's try to keep this short and simple. Crexman, Recmanx, Cermanx, Marcxen and the rest of the combos sound kinda scary. However, if I was turned into a nobody, I'd be Xalex. Then just go ahead and start using this kingdom name generator! Kingdom Name Generator - Another friend did his own Org. This medieval name generator will randomly generate thousands of names by combining different medieval first names and medieval last names. These names have been carefully selected to be as close kingdom name generator authentic as possible. One first name and one last name is randomly selected each time you press the generate button, so it really is a random medieval name generator that also keeps authenticity in mind. Kingdom name generator authors use what they think are authentic middle age names, but many are actually modern names. You can use this name generator to generate authentic medieval names so you can avoid common misconceptions about what an authentic medieval name is. You could also use these names or parts of them for naming medieval towns, cities, knights, kingdoms, countries and other places, but only for purely fictional use. The random medieval name generator has been created to give everyone an easy way to generate medieval names. To put the best names in your favourite list, just click on the name from the main list of generated medieval names. When you leave this page your generated names will disappear, so make sure you take a copy of them before you leave. I would appreciate it if you pass this website on to others who might find it useful and don't forget to bookmark it for future reference. I hope you find this medieval name generator useful for finding middle age names.