For your blog to grow, you definitely need an optimized SEO. It is so important that if not taking care of, your blog will start suffering it in no time. Poor SEO results to poor blog traffic as well as low earnings because the higher the (organic) traffic, the higher the earnings either from ads serving on your site, affiliate marketing or even your services. Also poor SEO affects your blog Alexa ranking negatively and other stuffs like that. Although, i have previously written some articles on blog SEO but i want to up my game on that because people continue asking me questions on the topic every day. Most especially, upcoming bloggers who are still ignorant of most of these things and how it works get confused most times about terms used on blog optimization and i thought it will be more better if i provide some of the answers to the frequently asked questions on SEO for this set of people. Let me tell you the truth; no one is perfect as long as blogging and SEO is concerned - we keep on learning everyday and improving so don't feel discouraged if your blog is not improving so fast the way you wished or wanted. Keep your head cool, research more on SEO, apply some of the major tips, work harder by publishing rich contents with quality keywords and you will see the change soon. In this particular article, am concentrating on common questions people are asking me about SEO. So i will be limited to providing answers to them but in subsequent blogging related articles, i will reveal more secrets on blogging and better SEO. Like I said earlier, no one is perfect but it's more fun sharing your own success that worked for you with your colleagues (fellow bloggers) because we are all one. 10 SEO QUESTIONS & ANSWERS 1. What is SEO? SEO means S earch E ngine O ptimization. It is all the techniques need to help blogs, websites visible on search engines such as Google, Yahoo, Bing, Ask etc. When your web pages appear on search engines, your site will get a boost both on traffic and earnings as your products, services and contents reach more people who needs it. (targeted traffic) 2. What is The Difference Between Organic and Paid Search Results? In simple term, Organic results are those search results that appear in search engines for free, this type of results are based on an algorithm. The better your SEO, the better your blog chance of appearing first on search engine for free. Paid or inorganic search results appear at the top or side of a page. They are those links advertisers pay to appear on different search engines. For instance, if you do a good Adword with your blog, it might appear on search engines as paid results. 3. What Are Meta Descriptions and Do They Still Matter? A meta description is the text that appears below your page in a search engine result that explains what the page is all about. For example, this blog's meta description is "WizyTechs Blog Delivers Free Browsing Cheats, Data Plans, Tariff Plans, Phone Specs/Reviews, How Tos, Apps, Blogging Tricks." Meta descriptions still matter, just not in the same way they used to. They used to be a place to optimize for keywords so crawlers would know more about your page contents; now, it's more important you write something compelling that makes readers want to click so you can improve conversion rates from SERP results to your website. 4. Should I Optimize My Domain Name To Include Keywords? Your primary domain should not include a keyword just for the sake of keyword optimization that can actually hurt your SEO. If your company name happens to have a keyword, that's fine, but don't go like this howtobuytecnophonesinnigeria(dot)com. Get what I mean? 5. How Do I Know When I’m Using The Right Number of Keywords On a Page? Unfortunately, I can't tell you an exact number that is the "right" number of keywords on a page, mostly because that's the wrong way to think about keyword optimization. There's no keyword density you should be aiming for in fact, using a keyword too many times can result in penalization due to "keyword stuffing." Just keep the reader in mind, and only use keywords when you need to. You'll find enough natural opportunities to include keywords that you won't even have to worry about reaching an arbitrary number. 6. What’s The Difference Between Internal and Inbound Links? Internal links are links on a page on your site that go to another page on your site. Inbound links are other websites that link to your content. Both are valuable for SEO. 7 How Many Internal Links Do I Need On Each Page of Content? Just like you should avoid stuffing too many keywords into your content, you should avoid stuffing too many links into your content. Only include them when it improves the reader experience. Where is the "|" on my keyboard?. its usually above the "Enter Key" on your keyboard. 9. Do I Need To Know Code To Do SEO Myself? You do not need to know how to code for every element of search optimization. There are some more advanced SEO tactics that you will need a basic understanding of code for, but it isn't necessary for every part. 10. What is Robots.txt? This is a page that gives search engines information about the pages a company wants indexed or crawled. You can find this page by doing to YOURDOMAIN/robots.txt.