FEW TIPS SAFEGUAEDING ONSELF FROM THH SIN OF THE EYE-"UNLAWFUL GAZES" (By Shaykh Zulfiqar Ahmed Naqsshabandi Mujaddidi d.b) Tell the beleiving men to lower their gaze and be modest And tell the believing women to lower their gaze and be modest (Qur'an, Surah An-Nur, Ayath30,31) Unfotunately,today,we live in a society advertisements, billboards, magazines, internet, television, newspapaer, etc, attract us obsence image. The west also attempts to destroy our faith by propagating the message"SHYNESS is a SICKNESS". It is difficult to save ourselves from this evil, as watching obsence images repeatedly destroys our modest and makes us immune to obscenity. 'Remember, if we do not cast a veil over our eyes, then a veil will be cast over our hearts for sure.' Below are few steps of advice for people who intend to save themselves from this sin: 1. While walking on the road, keep your gaze lowered in such a manner that just by the feet of passers by, one can get if they are men or women. 2. In Supermarkets/Ticket counters, etc., try looking for a counter with a representative of your own order. Avoid counters with representative of your opposite gender. 3. While driving a Car/riding a Bike, keep your concentration on the road and vehicles around you rather than people on the road in vehiccles. It's always possible that you might end up looking at a Non-Mehram seated in a car, bike or walking. 4. NEVER look at Billboards/Hoarding while driving,riding or walking. 5. It's better to avoid passing through a street which has a girls School or College. 6. Always carry on Islamic books with you while travelling in a Bus/Plane/Train. This will keep your mind busy and help you against evil thoughts from Shaitan 7. When enterings your own house, make an audible sounds from your mouth, so that if there is a Non-Mehram woman present, she may cover herself. 8. When you knock on someone's door, stand away from the front of the door, so as avoid coming across unveiled woman. 9. NEVER stay alone in the house & NEVER keep yourself free. Keep yourself occupied with some work all the time. 10. Connect to the Internet only when it is required. NEVER connect un-necessarily as idle mind is the devils workshop. 11. When you happen to be at an Airport or an Office, where a television is playing or pictures of woman are displayed, then intentionally sit with your back towards it. 12. During any Official work or essential shopping, if one needs to interact with a Non-Mehram, then do not look at their face. Just as two people who are displeased with each other would avoid looking at each other's faces or eyes when required to interact under compulsion. 13. If married, keep your spouse happy. 14. During Tawaaf of Kaabatullah, keep your gaze foxed at your feet. Never raise your gaze during Tawaaf except for Istalam of Istalam of Hajr-e-Aswad. 15. Avoid gatherings/functions if there is opportunity of sin(e.g. No arrangement of purdah for visiting women, music, dancing etc). If there is a fear that the reletionship between you and the organizer of the function may be affected, then be the last to enter and first to leave the gathering. 16. First of all, it is best not to visit Picnic-Spots. However, if required to go, then choose such a time and day when there would be minium crowd. 17. Fast on 13th, 14th and 15th of every month as per Lunar Calendar. Also fast on every Mondays and Thursdays. If you are still unable to control your gaze, then on every alternative day. 18. Visualize the pusishments you might get for this sin of unlawful gazes. Imagine that your eyes are being pierced with hot iron rods for years and years together. 19. Fix a punishment for yourself every time you end up sinning e.g. offer 20 Rakaat Nafl Namaz for every sim occurred or give Sadaqah of a certain amount. (Fix amounts that possibly prevent you from sinning again). 20. If you happen to cast a sinful gaze, lower your gaze immediately & recite Istigfaar. 21. Read the folloeing Tasbeeh (HEART CLEANER) (100 times in the morning & 100 times at night) I don't have any object of attraction, but ALLAH I don't have any obbject of passion, but ALLAH I don't have any beloved, but ALLAH There is no God, but ALLAH 22. Wake up for Tahajjud Salah every day and pray to Allah that "Oh Allah! It is extremely difficult for me prevent myself from sinning, but it's extremely easy for you to save me from sinning. Oh Allah! Cleanse my heart and my eyes from the evil effects of my sins" REWARD FOR SAFEGUARDING ONESELF FROM UNLAWFUL GAZES:- A) FOR EVERY GAZE THAT WAS SAFE-GUARDED, ONE WILL BE BESTOWED WITH THE "VISION" OF ALLAH B) SUCH EYES WILL BE SAFE FROM CRYING ON THE DAY OF JUDGEMENT.