Infertility- INFORMATION AND CAUSE (Part 2) Causes Testicular 1. Age - The very young or very old, cannot or do not work the testes or eggs 2. These "genetic problems" - this is the problem with the "genes" which contains various information on the organization of a man. For example, the Y-chromosome is part of our DNA which advises men to a man; when there is a problem, it may affect the ability to pro-pregnant. 3. Friends "chromosomal problems" - the "chromosomes" is integrated "genes". Everyone has 46 "chromosomes" - 23 pairs. If you have a problem when pair, or have lost or to add other "chromosome", may affect the ability to produce sperm and can pregnant. 4. Lumps eggs (testes) or testicles (scrotum) - it can also affect the ability of the testes to produce sperm or semen. 5. Did not decrease egg - As a male fetus is in the womb, the egg is still in the intestines. It fell to the testes where the temperatures are cooler and protection of the surrounding water. When dropped eggs (cryptorchidism), affected the production of sperm. 6. "Hydrocele" - it is a condition in which the intestine connected to the testes; can enter the water in the intestine to the guts - and the water, when accumulated, can choke the medium affect sperm and sperm production 7. "Varicocoele" - it is a condition in which the mature blood vessels within the testes. The root can have side effects such as "hydrocele". 8. Infections such as mumps "mumps" and malaria can also affect men eggs. THE POST-testicular Causes 1. Blockage in any part of the vessel from the egg (testes) into the hole of the penis (urethra). It may be due to tumor, tumor, infection, etc.. 2. "Retrograde ejaculation" - reverse the flow of semen; instead of into the penis hole, it enters the bladder. 3. "Hypospadias" - The hole property is located at the bottom rather than the front, so it focuses directly on the private part of the woman and not getting the sperm. 4. "Impotence" - the lack of ability to harden or keep a hard penis. Because stiffen, there is no way to qualify for expulsion of sperm into the woman's private part. There are many reasons the "impotence". Thank you for reading….