It is Christ that gives us the ability to overcome the situations we're in. Christ should live in our hearts because of our faith, because we live for Jesus it's not that we live it's Christ that lives in us. In every situation we have the bible to turn to. We're not ashamed of the God that we serve, he is God over every situation. We shall worship no other God. We're not ashamed of the gospel for it's the power of salvation. Whenever we're in a situation, whenever confronted by circumstances we've got to be declaring the work/word of God unashamely. We've got to proclaim the good news.... The word of God gives us power, activate the word in our lives constantly. If we know the word & what God has spoken into our lives there would be nothing that would overpower us or bring us down because we'd be able to proclaim the word of God. When we focus on what we're doing & on all the things that's around us then we'd become ashamed of the gospel, of being faithful, but when we keep our eyes focused on God nothing in this world will matter to us, no matter what people say, what people do we will not be worried about it. As long as we keep our focus on God we'd walk over every situation, we'd be able to accomplish things we didn't think we'd accomplish. Have confidence in the word of God....