A court in the Gaza Strip on Wednesday sentenced a Palestinian woman to death by hanging after she was convicted of premeditated murder, Palestinian media reported. The court in Gaza's southern city of Khan Younis convicted the woman - identified only as N.A. - of killing her husband, Palestinian news agency Ma'an cited the prosecution as saying. On January 30, the woman's husband, 36-year-old Rabie Abu Anzeh was reportedly found dead in southern Gaza. Further details of the legal proceedings were not reported. Willful, premeditated murder, treason and collaboration with the enemy are punishable by death under Palestinian law. While capital punishment in the Palestinian territories is supposed to be ratified by the Palestinian Authority president before execution, Hamas in Gaza has carried out death sentences in past years without such approval from Mahmoud Abbas. In May, Hamas executed three Palestinians, saying they had been convicted and sentenced to death. Two were executed by firing squad, and the third, a policeman, was hanged, security sources said. The move was condemned by human rights groups and led to a not-so-thinly veiled threat by the Palestinian Authority’s attorney-general to file war crimes complaints against Hamas before the International Criminal Court.