I found this the other day while surfing around. I hope some of you find it informative and/or useful Text File Archive on Drugs and Drug Use http://www.textfiles.com/drugs Sample of Documents Archived - Twelve Reasons to Legalize Drugs from The Pragmatist (August, 1988) - The Enemy is US by Donald W. Hipkiss (Political Commentary on the War on Drugs) - An Overview of 2CB (4-bromo-2,5-dimethoxyphenethylamine) - An Experience with Absinthe by Aseem (November 27, 1995) - LSD, the CIA, and Your Brain by Zodiac - Lysergic Acid Diethylamide, by Billy the Kid of Bayonet - Information on LSD, by David Honig (June 2, 1991) - Someone writes during an Acid Trip - A Collection of Drug and Anarchist Mailing Addresses - Part I of the Getting Homemade Highs File - Alcohol Manufacture by The Shadow Lord of Metal Communications - A Look at the Hookah, by Bud J. Jonser - Dr. Reality's Magic Brownie Technique (July 21, 1985) And a butt-ton more.... enjoy!