Apa style figures => http://untravexkur.nnmcloud.ru/d?s=YToyOntzOjc6InJlZmVyZXIiO3M6MjE6Imh0dHA6Ly9iaXRiaW4uaXQyX2RsLyI7czozOiJrZXkiO3M6MTc6IkFwYSBzdHlsZSBmaWd1cmVzIjt9 Tables and figures must fit within the margin specifications. Title and Caption Every figure should appear flush with the left margin. Retrieved from Nielsen Market Information Digest New Zealand database. All of them must be placed below the table in that order. Is a probability level assigned the same number of asterisks in all the tables in the same document? Tables A table is a chart that presents numerical information in a grid format. From Mauritshuis Royal Picture Gallery, The Hague. Graph of statistics on household income in Canada in 2010. Table 1, Table 2 etc. Rasmussen, 2009, Auckland, New Zealand. For the figure number, type Figure X. Follow the title with a legend that explains the symbols in the figure and a caption that explains the figure: Figure 1. Below the figure: Place the Figure , caption which describes the contents, then end with the citation information if reproduced from another source Rules 5. If the study is purely applied, list only the raw or unstandardized coefficients B. Focus only on the important point the reader should draw from them, and leave the details for the reader to examine on their own. How to make SPSS produce all tables in APA format automatically! — Stats Make Me Cry Consulting - Tables Data in a table that would require only two or fewer columns and rows should be presented in the text. Above the table Include the word Table with its number next to it Rule 5. The caption begins with the word Note in italics, followed by descriptive note s for the table, then the source of the table if not created by the author. The caption appears immediately underneath the table proper. Material adapted from a journal article. Note format is different from References. Author, year, Title of Journal, volume, p. apa style figures Copyright year by the Name of Copyright Holder. Wallander, 2001, Rehabilitation Psychology, 46, p. Copyright 2001 by the Educational Publishing Foundation. Note format is different from References. Adapted from Title of Book p. Author, year, Place of Publication: Publisher. Copyright year by the Name of Copyright Holder. Examples of maternal medical problems. Adapted from Preterm Birth: Causes, Consequences, and Prevention p. Copyright 2007 by the National Academy of Sciences. Figures do not have separate titles but may include a legend if applicable. The caption begins with an explanation which also serves as the titlefollowed by source of figure if not created by the author. The caption appears immediately underneath the figure and begins with the word Figure and figure number in italics. Material adapted from a journal article. Note format is different from References. Author, year, Title of Journal, volume, p. Copyright year by the Name of Copyright Holder. Wallander, 2001, Rehabilitation Psychology, 46, p. Copyright 2001 by the Educational Publishing Foundation.