These are the packages that would be merged, in reverse order: Calculating dependencies... done! [ebuild U ] net-fs/samba-4.2.4-r1::gentoo [4.1.19::gentoo] USE="acl cups fam ldap pam%* system-mitkrb5%* -addc% -addns -ads -aio -avahi -client -cluster -dmapi -gnutls -iprint -quota (-selinux) -syslog -systemd {-test} -winbind" PYTHON_TARGETS="python2_7" 20250 KiB [ebuild N ] app-crypt/mit-krb5-1.13.2::gentoo USE="keyutils pkinit threads -doc -openldap (-selinux) {-test} -xinetd" ABI_X86="(64) -32 (-x32)" 11830 KiB [nomerge ] dev-java/javacc-5.0-r1::gentoo USE="-doc -examples -source {-test}" [nomerge ] dev-java/junit-3.8.2-r1::gentoo USE="-doc -source" [ebuild NS ] virtual/jre-1.8.0:1.8::gentoo [1.7.0:1.7::gentoo] 0 KiB [nomerge ] media-sound/paprefs-0.9.10::gentoo USE="nls" [ebuild U ] dev-cpp/gtkmm-2.24.4-r2:2.4::gentoo [2.24.4-r1:2.4::gentoo] USE="-doc -examples {-test}" ABI_X86="(64) -32 (-x32)" 0 KiB [nomerge ] dev-util/d-feet-0.3.10::gentoo USE="{-test}" PYTHON_TARGETS="python2_7" [ebuild R ] dev-python/pygobject-3.16.2:3::gentoo USE="cairo threads -examples {-test}" PYTHON_TARGETS="python2_7 python3_4* -python3_3*" 0 KiB [nomerge ] net-misc/gns3-0.8.6::gentoo PYTHON_TARGETS="python2_7" [ebuild R ] dev-python/PyQt4-4.11.4::gentoo USE="X dbus opengl svg -debug -declarative -designer -doc -examples -help -kde -multimedia -phonon -script -scripttools -sql -testlib -webkit -xmlpatterns" PYTHON_TARGETS="python2_7 python3_4* -python3_3*" 0 KiB [nomerge ] net-fs/cifs-utils-6.4::gentoo USE="acl ads caps caps-ng -creds" [ebuild U ] sys-libs/libcap-ng-0.7.7::gentoo [0.7.4::gentoo] USE="python -static-libs" PYTHON_TARGETS="python2_7 python3_4* -python3_3*" 411 KiB [nomerge ] media-sound/pavucontrol-2.0-r1::gentoo USE="nls" [ebuild U ] dev-cpp/gtkmm-3.16.0:3.0::gentoo [3.14.0-r1:3.0::gentoo] USE="X (-aqua) -doc -examples {-test} -wayland" ABI_X86="(64) -32 (-x32)" 0 KiB [ebuild U ] media-libs/libcanberra-0.30-r5::gentoo [0.30-r4::gentoo] USE="alsa gtk gtk3 pulseaudio sound udev -gnome -gstreamer -oss -tdb" ABI_X86="(64%*) -32% (-x32)" 0 KiB [nomerge ] lxqt-base/lxqt-meta-0.9.0-r2::gentoo USE="filemanager icons oxygen policykit -admin -lightdm -lximage -minimal -powermanagement -sddm -ssh-askpass" [nomerge ] lxqt-base/lxqt-config-0.9.0::gentoo [ebuild U ] dev-qt/qtconcurrent-5.4.2:5::gentoo [5.4.1:5::gentoo] USE="-debug {-test}" 45268 KiB [ebuild U ] x11-apps/setxkbmap-1.3.1::gentoo [1.3.0::gentoo] 131 KiB [nomerge ] lxqt-base/lxqt-meta-0.9.0-r2::gentoo USE="filemanager icons oxygen policykit -admin -lightdm -lximage -minimal -powermanagement -sddm -ssh-askpass" [nomerge ] lxqt-base/lxqt-panel-0.9.0::gentoo USE="alsa clock desktopswitch kbindicator mainmenu mount pulseaudio quicklaunch showdesktop taskbar tray volume -colorpicker -cpuload -dom -networkmonitor -screensaver -sensors -sysstat -worldclock" [ebuild U ] kde-frameworks/kguiaddons-5.14.0:5/5.14::gentoo [5.11.0:5/5.11::gentoo] USE="-debug -doc {-test}" 39 KiB [nomerge ] lxqt-base/lxqt-meta-0.9.0-r2::gentoo USE="filemanager icons oxygen policykit -admin -lightdm -lximage -minimal -powermanagement -sddm -ssh-askpass" [nomerge ] lxqt-base/lxqt-runner-0.9.0::gentoo [ebuild U ] dev-qt/qtscript-5.4.2-r1:5::gentoo [5.4.1:5::gentoo] USE="jit%* -debug -scripttools {-test}" 2531 KiB [nomerge ] lxqt-base/lxqt-meta-0.9.0-r2::gentoo USE="filemanager icons oxygen policykit -admin -lightdm -lximage -minimal -powermanagement -sddm -ssh-askpass" [nomerge ] x11-misc/pcmanfm-qt-0.9.0::gentoo [nomerge ] x11-libs/libfm-1.2.3-r1:0/4.3.0::gentoo USE="automount exif gtk udisks -debug -doc -examples -vala" [ebuild U ] gnome-base/gvfs-1.24.2::gentoo [1.22.4::gentoo] USE="cdda gtk http udev udisks -afp -archive -bluray -fuse -gnome-online-accounts -gphoto2 -ios -libsecret -mtp -nfs% -samba -systemd {-test} -zeroconf" 1590 KiB [ebuild U ] x11-misc/obconf-qt-0.9.0_p20150729::gentoo [0.1.0_p20141029::gentoo] 95 KiB [ebuild U ] app-text/qpdfview-0.4.15::gentoo [0.4.14::gentoo] USE="cups dbus pdf qt4 svg -djvu -fitz -postscript -qt5 -sqlite -synctex" LINGUAS="it -ast -az -be -bg -bs -ca -cs -da -de -el -en_GB -eo -es -eu -fi -fr -gl -he -hr -id -kk -ky -lt -ms -my -pl -pt -pt_BR -ro -ru -sk -sv -th -tr -ug -uk -vi -zh_CN" 597 KiB [ebuild U ] net-misc/ntp-4.2.8_p3::gentoo [4.2.8_p2::gentoo] USE="ipv6 readline ssl threads -caps -debug -openntpd -parse-clocks -samba (-selinux) -snmp -vim-syntax -zeroconf" 6979 KiB [ebuild U ] www-client/firefox-bin-40.0.3::gentoo [37.0.1::gentoo] USE="startup-notification (-selinux)" LINGUAS="it -af -ar -as -ast -be -bg -bn_BD -bn_IN -br -bs -ca -cs -cy -da -de -el -en_GB -en_ZA -eo -es_AR -es_CL -es_ES -es_MX -et -eu -fa -fi -fr -fy_NL -ga_IE -gd -gl -gu_IN -he -hi_IN -hr -hu -hy_AM -id -is -ja -kk -kn -ko -lt -lv -mai -mk -ml -mr -nb_NO -nl -nn_NO -or -pa_IN -pl -pt_BR -pt_PT -rm -ro -ru -si -sk -sl -son -sq -sr -sv_SE -ta -te -tr -uk -vi -zh_CN -zh_TW" 47504 KiB [ebuild R ] app-portage/gentoolkit- PYTHON_TARGETS="python2_7 python3_4* -pypy -python3_3*" 0 KiB [ebuild U ] mail-client/thunderbird-bin-38.2.0::gentoo [31.6.0::gentoo] USE="crashreporter (-selinux)" LINGUAS="it -ar -ast -be -bg -bn_BD -br -ca -cs -cy% -da -de -el -en_GB -es_AR -es_ES -et -eu -fi -fr -fy_NL -ga_IE -gd -gl -he -hr% -hsb% -hu -hy_AM% -id -is -ja -ko -lt -nb_NO -nl -nn_NO -pa_IN -pl -pt_BR -pt_PT -rm -ro -ru -si -sk -sl -sq -sr -sv_SE -ta_LK -tr -uk -vi -zh_CN -zh_TW" 46517 KiB [ebuild NS ] sys-kernel/gentoo-sources-4.2.0-r1:4.2.0-r1::gentoo [3.18.11:3.18.11::gentoo, 4.0.5:4.0.5::gentoo] USE="-build -experimental -kdbus -symlink" 83524 KiB [ebuild R ] app-pda/libimobiledevice-1.1.6:0/4::gentoo USE="python -gnutls -static-libs" PYTHON_TARGETS="python2_7 python3_4* -python3_3*" 0 KiB [ebuild U ] dev-util/android-tools-5.1.1_p13::gentoo [0_p20130218::gentoo] 1575 KiB [ebuild U ] media-gfx/gimp-2.8.14-r1:2::gentoo [2.8.14:2::gentoo] USE="alsa bzip2 dbus exif jpeg lcms mng pdf png python svg tiff udev -aalib (-altivec) (-aqua) -curl -debug -doc -gnome -jpeg2k -postscript -smp {-test%} -webkit -wmf -xpm" CPU_FLAGS_X86="mmx sse" LINGUAS="it -am -ar -ast -az -be -bg -br -ca -ca@valencia -cs -csb -da -de -dz -el -en_CA -en_GB -eo -es -et -eu -fa -fi -fr -ga -gl -gu -he -hi -hr -hu -id -is -ja -ka -kk -km -kn -ko -lt -lv -mk -ml -ms -my -nb -nds -ne -nl -nn -oc -pa -pl -pt -pt_BR -ro -ru -rw -si -sk -sl -sr -sr@latin -sv -ta -te -th -tr -tt -uk -vi -xh -yi -zh_CN -zh_HK -zh_TW" PYTHON_TARGETS="python2_7" 0 KiB [ebuild U ] sys-apps/pciutils-3.4.0::gentoo [3.3.1::gentoo] USE="kmod udev zlib -dns -static-libs" ABI_X86="(64) -32 (-x32)" 389 KiB [ebuild U ] x11-base/xorg-server-1.17.2-r1:0/1.17.2::gentoo [1.17.1-r1:0/1.17.1::gentoo] USE="glamor ipv6 nptl suid udev xorg -dmx -doc -kdrive -minimal (-selinux) -static-libs -systemd -tslib -unwind -wayland -xephyr -xnest -xvfb" 5633 KiB [ebuild U ] net-wireless/wpa_supplicant-2.4-r4::gentoo [2.4-r3::gentoo] USE="dbus hs2-0 qt4 readline ssl -ap -eap-sim -fasteap -gnutls -p2p (-ps3) (-selinux) -smartcard -tdls -uncommon-eap-types -wimax -wps" 0 KiB [ebuild U ] dev-lang/php-5.6.13:5.6::gentoo [5.6.10:5.6::gentoo] USE="berkdb bzip2 cli crypt ctype exif fileinfo filter fpm gd gdbm hash iconv ipv6 json ldap mysql nls opcache pdo phar posix readline session simplexml spell ssl tokenizer truetype unicode xml zlib -apache2 -bcmath -calendar -cdb -cgi -cjk -curl -debug -embed -enchant (-firebird) -flatfile (-frontbase) -ftp -gmp -imap -inifile -intl -iodbc -kerberos -ldap-sasl -libedit -libmysqlclient -mhash -mssql -mysqli -oci8-instant-client -odbc -pcntl -postgres -qdbm -recode (-selinux) -sharedmem -snmp -soap -sockets -sqlite (-sybase-ct) -systemd -sysvipc -threads -tidy -vpx -wddx -xmlreader -xmlrpc -xmlwriter -xpm -xslt -zip" 13748 KiB [ebuild U ] dev-util/android-studio- [] USE="(-selinux)" 343761 KiB [ebuild U ] app-admin/sudo-1.8.14_p3::gentoo [1.8.13::gentoo] USE="ldap nls pam sendmail -offensive (-selinux) -skey" 2511 KiB [ebuild U ] net-irc/weechat-1.3::gentoo [1.2::gentoo] USE="alias charset exec fifo irc logger nls perl python relay scripts spell ssl trigger xfer -doc -guile -lua -ruby -tcl {-test}" LINGUAS="it -cs -de -es -fr -hu -ja -pl -pt_BR -ru -tr" PYTHON_SINGLE_TARGET="python2_7 -python3_3 -python3_4" PYTHON_TARGETS="python2_7 python3_4* -python3_3*" 2347 KiB [ebuild U ] www-plugins/adobe-flash- [] USE="(-debug) -kde (-selinux)" ABI_X86="64 -32 (-x32)" CPU_FLAGS_X86="sse2" 7097 KiB [ebuild U ] media-gfx/photoqt-1.3::gentoo [1.2::gentoo] USE="-exiv2 -graphicsmagick" 1351 KiB [ebuild U ] net-ftp/filezilla-3.14.0::gentoo [] USE="dbus nls (-aqua) {-test}" 4312 KiB [nomerge ] dev-db/mysql-5.6.26-r1:0/18::gentoo [5.6.25:0/0::gentoo] USE="community perl server%* ssl tools%* -client-libs% (-cluster) -debug -embedded -extraengine -jemalloc -latin1 -profiling (-selinux) -static -static-libs -systemtap -tcmalloc {-test} (-minimal%)" ABI_X86="(64) -32 (-x32)" [nomerge ] dev-perl/DBD-mysql-4.31.0::gentoo USE="-embedded {-test}" [nomerge ] dev-perl/DBI-1.634.0::gentoo [1.633.0::gentoo] USE="{-test}" [nomerge ] dev-perl/PlRPC-0.202.0-r2::gentoo [ebuild U ] virtual/perl-Storable-2.530.0::gentoo [2.490.100-r1::gentoo] 0 KiB [nomerge ] virtual/man-0-r1::gentoo [nomerge ] sys-apps/man-db-2.7.3::gentoo [2.7.1::gentoo] USE="berkdb gdbm manpager%* nls zlib (-selinux) -static-libs" [nomerge ] app-text/po4a-0.45-r2::gentoo USE="{-test}" LINGUAS="it -af -ca -cs -da -de -eo -es -et -eu -fr -hr -id -ja -kn -ko -nb -nl -pl -pt -pt_BR -ru -sl -sv -uk -vi -zh_CN -zh_HK" [ebuild U ] dev-perl/TermReadKey-2.330.0::gentoo [2.300.200-r1::gentoo] 81 KiB [nomerge ] media-gfx/photoqt-1.3::gentoo [1.2::gentoo] USE="-exiv2 -graphicsmagick" [nomerge ] dev-qt/qtmultimedia-5.4.2-r1:5::gentoo [5.4.1:5::gentoo] USE="alsa gstreamer opengl pulseaudio -debug -openal -qml {-test} -widgets" [nomerge ] media-libs/gst-plugins-bad-0.10.23-r2:0.10::gentoo USE="nls orc" ABI_X86="(64) -32 (-x32)" [nomerge ] media-libs/gst-plugins-base-0.10.36-r2:0.10::gentoo USE="introspection nls orc" ABI_X86="(64) -32 (-x32)" [ebuild U ] app-text/iso-codes-3.61::gentoo [3.57::gentoo] LINGUAS="it -af -am -ar -as -ast -az -be -bg -bn -bn_IN -br -bs -byn -ca -crh -cs -cy -da -de -dz -el -en -eo -es -et -eu -fa -fi -fo -fr -ga -gez -gl -gu -haw -he -hi -hr -hu -hy -ia -id -is -ja -ka -kk -km -kn -ko -kok -ku -lt -lv -mi -mk -ml -mn -mr -ms -mt -nb -ne -nl -nn -nso -oc -or -pa -pl -ps -pt -pt_BR -ro -ru -rw -si -sk -sl -so -sq -sr -sr@latin -sv -sw -ta -te -th -ti -tig -tk -tl -tr -tt -tt@iqtelif -ug -uk -ve -vi -wa -wal -wo -xh -zh_CN -zh_HK -zh_TW -zu" 3685 KiB [nomerge ] media-gfx/gimp-2.8.14-r1:2::gentoo [2.8.14:2::gentoo] USE="alsa bzip2 dbus exif jpeg lcms mng pdf png python svg tiff udev -aalib (-altivec) (-aqua) -curl -debug -doc -gnome -jpeg2k -postscript -smp {-test%} -webkit -wmf -xpm" CPU_FLAGS_X86="mmx sse" LINGUAS="it -am -ar -ast -az -be -bg -br -ca -ca@valencia -cs -csb -da -de -dz -el -en_CA -en_GB -eo -es -et -eu -fa -fi -fr -ga -gl -gu -he -hi -hr -hu -id -is -ja -ka -kk -km -kn -ko -lt -lv -mk -ml -ms -my -nb -nds -ne -nl -nn -oc -pa -pl -pt -pt_BR -ro -ru -rw -si -sk -sl -sr -sr@latin -sv -ta -te -th -tr -tt -uk -vi -xh -yi -zh_CN -zh_HK -zh_TW" PYTHON_TARGETS="python2_7" [nomerge ] dev-python/pygtk-2.24.0-r4:2::gentoo USE="-doc -examples {-test}" PYTHON_TARGETS="python2_7" [ebuild R ] dev-python/numpy-1.9.2::gentoo USE="-doc -lapack {-test}" PYTHON_TARGETS="python2_7 python3_4* -python3_3*" 0 KiB [nomerge ] lxqt-base/lxqt-panel-0.9.0::gentoo USE="alsa clock desktopswitch kbindicator mainmenu mount pulseaudio quicklaunch showdesktop taskbar tray volume -colorpicker -cpuload -dom -networkmonitor -screensaver -sensors -sysstat -worldclock" [nomerge ] media-sound/pulseaudio-6.0::gentoo USE="X alsa alsa-plugin asyncns bluetooth caps dbus gdbm glib gnome gtk ipv6 orc qt4 ssl tcpd udev webrtc-aec -doc -equalizer -jack -libsamplerate -lirc -native-headset (-neon) -ofono-headset (-oss) -realtime (-selinux) (-system-wide) -systemd {-test} -xen -zeroconf" ABI_X86="32 (64) (-x32)" [ebuild U ] net-wireless/bluez-5.34:0/3::gentoo [5.30:0/3::gentoo] USE="cups obex readline udev -debug (-selinux) -systemd {-test}" ABI_X86="(64) -32 (-x32)" 1603 KiB [ebuild U ] app-admin/syslog-ng-3.7.1-r1::gentoo [3.6.3::gentoo] USE="ipv6 python%* tcpd -amqp -caps -dbi -geoip -json -libressl% -mongodb -pacct -redis -smtp -spoof-source -systemd (-ssl%*)" 3428 KiB [ebuild U ] net-misc/wget-1.16.3-r2::gentoo [1.16.3::gentoo] USE="ipv6 nls pcre ssl zlib -debug -gnutls -idn -libressl% -ntlm -static {-test} -uuid" 0 KiB [ebuild U ] sys-apps/iproute2-4.2.0::gentoo [4.0.0-r2::gentoo] USE="berkdb iptables ipv6 -atm -minimal (-selinux)" 495 KiB [ebuild U ] sys-apps/man-db-2.7.3::gentoo [2.7.1::gentoo] USE="berkdb gdbm manpager%* nls zlib (-selinux) -static-libs" 1468 KiB [nomerge ] app-editors/vim-7.4.827::gentoo [7.4.712::gentoo] USE="X acl gpm nls python -cscope -debug -lua -luajit -minimal -perl -racket -ruby (-selinux) -tcl -vim-pager" PYTHON_TARGETS="python2_7 python3_4* -python3_3*" [nomerge ] app-editors/vim-core-7.4.827::gentoo [7.4.712::gentoo] USE="acl nls -minimal" [ebuild U ] app-vim/gentoo-syntax-20150823::gentoo [20141129::gentoo] USE="-ignore-glep31" 26 KiB [nomerge ] dev-util/android-studio- [] USE="(-selinux)" [nomerge ] virtual/jdk-1.8.0:1.8::gentoo [1.7.0:1.7::gentoo] [nomerge ] dev-java/oracle-jdk-bin- USE="alsa awt cups fontconfig -derby -doc -examples -javafx -jce -nsplugin -pax_kernel (-selinux) -source" [nomerge ] net-print/cups-2.0.4::gentoo [2.0.2-r2::gentoo] USE="X acl dbus pam python ssl threads usb -debug -java -kerberos -lprng-compat (-selinux) -static-libs -systemd -xinetd -zeroconf" ABI_X86="32 (64) (-x32)" LINGUAS="it -ca -cs -de -es -fr -ja -pt_BR -ru" PYTHON_TARGETS="python2_7" [ebuild U ] net-print/cups-filters-1.0.76::gentoo [1.0.68::gentoo] USE="dbus foomatic jpeg png tiff -perl -static-libs -zeroconf" 1322 KiB [ebuild U ] sys-apps/file-5.25::gentoo [5.23::gentoo] USE="python zlib -static-libs" ABI_X86="(64) -32 (-x32)" PYTHON_TARGETS="python2_7 python3_4* -pypy -python3_3*" 723 KiB [nomerge ] virtual/shadow-0::gentoo [nomerge ] sys-apps/shadow-4.2.1-r1::gentoo USE="acl cracklib nls pam -audit (-selinux) -skey -xattr" LINGUAS="it -cs -da -de -es -fi -fr -hu -id -ja -ko -pl -pt_BR -ru -sv -tr -zh_CN -zh_TW" [nomerge ] sys-auth/pambase-20150213::gentoo USE="consolekit cracklib nullok sha512 -debug -gnome-keyring -minimal -mktemp -pam_krb5 -pam_ssh -passwdqc -securetty (-selinux) -systemd" [ebuild U ] sys-auth/consolekit-1.0.0::gentoo [0.4.6::gentoo] USE="acl pam policykit -cgroups% -debug -doc (-selinux) {-test} (-systemd-units%)" 1258 KiB [nomerge ] app-text/po4a-0.45-r2::gentoo USE="{-test}" LINGUAS="it -af -ca -cs -da -de -eo -es -et -eu -fr -hr -id -ja -kn -ko -nb -nl -pl -pt -pt_BR -ru -sl -sv -uk -vi -zh_CN -zh_HK" [nomerge ] dev-perl/Text-WrapI18N-0.60.0-r1::gentoo [nomerge ] dev-lang/perl-5.20.2-r1:0/5.20::gentoo USE="berkdb gdbm -debug -doc -ithreads" [nomerge ] virtual/perl-Data-Dumper-2.158.0::gentoo [2.154.0::gentoo] [blocks b ] =app-crypt/mit-krb5-1.12.1-r1[abi_x86_32(-)?,abi_x86_64(-)?,abi_x86_x32(-)?,abi_mips_n32(-)?,abi_mips_n64(-)?,abi_mips_o32(-)?,abi_ppc_32(-)?,abi_ppc_64(-)?,abi_s390_32(-)?,abi_s390_64(-)?] (>=app-crypt/mit-krb5-1.12.1-r1[abi_x86_64(-)]) required by (virtual/krb5-0-r1:0/0::gentoo, installed) For more information about Blocked Packages, please refer to the following section of the Gentoo Linux x86 Handbook (architecture is irrelevant): * IMPORTANT: 20 news items need reading for repository 'gentoo'. * Use eselect news read to view new items.