How can we help? Mercy Corps is working to provide desperately-needed latrines, showers, hand-washing stations and clean water to help people survive and prevent the spread of disease in camps and communities. In the small villages where many people are sheltering, we have rehabilitated living spaces, provided seeds and tools so people can grow food wherever they are living, and implemented cash-for-work programs to give vulnerable families some money to purchase supplies. We're also distributing emergency funds to help traders and families access goods in hard-hit areas of the country. And our emergency education program trains teachers and provides school supplies so children can continue learning despite this crisis. But the needs of displaced families in South Sudan are increasing, and your support will allow us to do even more. Here’s how you can make an impact: Donate today. Every single contribution helps us provide even more food, water, shelter and support to people in South Sudan and other families in crisis around the world. Stay informed. Read more stories about our work and those we are helping. Tell your friends. Share this story to spread the word about the millions of people who need us.