================================================================ = How to get a persons medical/police/shcool records = ================================================================ The first thing that you need to know is where this person went to the hospital or what police department they were at or what school they went or are going to. Here is where you use those lawyer business cards again. Call up the hospital or police (DON’T USE 911!!!!!) and ask for the records depatment, then tell the name of the person and say that you are representing them in a case that is comming up, tell them that you are sending your assistant down there to pick them up. For medical records, you need a medical record authorization letter, so out of the kindness of my heart I will include one here: MEDICAL AUTHORIZATION TO: ALL HOSPITALS, DOCTORS, NURSES AND MEDICAL PERSONNEL: YOU ARE HEREBY authorized and directed to permit the examination of, and the copying of reproduction in any manner, whether mechanical, photographic, or otherwise, by my attourney, (put attorney’s name, address here) or such other person as he may authorize, of all or any portion desired by him of the following; (a) Hospital records, x-rays, x-ray readings and reports, laboratory records and reports, all test of any type, character and reports thereof, statement of charges, and any and all of my records pertaining to the hospitalization, history, condition, treatment, diagnosis, prognosis, etiology or expense. You are further authorized and directed to furnish oral and written reports to my attorney, or his delegate, as requested by him on any of the foregoing matters. By reasons of the facts that such information that you have acquired as my physician or surgeon is confidential and requested not to furnish any of such information in any form to anyone, without written authorization form me. I also authorize my attorney or his delegate to photograph my person while I am present in any hospital. I further authorize the sending of medical and hospital bills to my attorney, and in the event of recovery by trial or settlement to allow my attorney to withhold an amount sufficient to cover these bills and to make payment directly to you and to deduct the same from any recovery which may be due me. When you ask for the records and present the form, they will give them to you. NOTE: for police records, use the same format but change all of the medical stuff to relate to police records. "Wear a full modem condom, and stay PHED free. l8tr.......