Oracle apex 5 2 => While we will make every effort to devise a way to include the necessary libraries for jQuery-mobile based applications in Application Express 5. In Oracle Application Express release 4. This includes many bug fixes and updates. Selecting these pagination schemes in Page Designer results in an error message at runtime. However, the use of Z in the format mask for all Datetime information resulted in some unexpected behavior for customers such as Datetime information on charts rendered with time zone formatting, when no time zone formatting was expected. The second page features a standard form for the master and interactive grid for the detail. Oracle Application Express Patch Set 4. It would be helpful to have each session broken down as opposed to one recording per day. The second part downloads and positions the extracted software. The Database Access Descriptor now contains a parameter for PlsqlRequestValidationFunction. In this release, the updated autocomplete implementation prevents this from happening. So, if support is important to you, be sure to have release 11. Oracle Application Express - Tree regions will be converted to use the Application Express treeView widget. The Workspace home page appears. The current release version displays in bottom right corner. The Workspace home page appears. The About Application Express page appears. The Database Access Descriptor now contains a parameter for PlsqlRequestValidationFunction. By default, the only procedures permitted are the public entry points of Oracle Application Express. This can be extended using the validation functions shipped with Oracle Application Express. Enabling the PlsqlRequestValidationFunction for a Database Access Descriptor may cause existing applications which relied upon publicly executable procedures to fail. You may choose to either omit the PlsqlRequestValidationFunction from the Database Access Descriptor definition, or follow the recommended approach of extending the supplied validation function. Oracle Application Express release 18. The area of a pyramid slice is proportional to its value for the corresponding stage. Box Plot Box plot charts also known as Box and Whisker diagrams are useful for analyzing the distribution of data, displaying the minimum, quartiles, median, and maximum values of groups of numerical data. Optionally, you can also select a High column to set the highest value to a specific value. Optionally, you can also select a Low column to set the lowest value to a specific value. Gantt Gantt charts display project schedules, displaying bars that indicate the start and end date of tasks for a hierarchical data set. Oracle Application Express release 18. The previous font Font Awesome 4. Selecting these pagination schemes in Page Designer results in an error message at runtime. If selected in Page Designer, an error message displays at runtime. Certain runtime behaviors change from release to release. You can use the Compatibility Mode attribute to obtain specific application behavior. This section lists Compatibility Mode changes by release. Note that all mode changes are inclusive in that all changes in older releases are included in newer releases. Compatibility Mode Changes in Mode 4. Prior to Oracle Application Express release 4. Also, in Oracle Application Express release 4. Enabling the Cache attribute enables the browser to save the contents of your application's pages in its cache, both in memory and on disk. The Embed in Frames attribute controls if the browser displays your application's pages within a frame. Applications running in a Pre-4. Applications running in Compatibility Mode 4. Also, in Oracle Application Express release 4. To enable these behaviors, set the Compatibility Mode to 4. For behavior that matches earlier releases, set the Compatibility Mode to Pre-4. Compatibility Mode Changes in Mode 4. The regions where the evaluation returned true will be executed and displayed. In that scenario, the condition has already been checked before the display point is rendered. In previous versions, the condition was evaluated right before each region was displayed. In Oracle Application Express release 4. Computations and processes with a processing point After Region s fire after all regions have been rendered. In previous versions, the computations and processes fired just before and after the region display point Page Template Body 1-3. Oracle Application Express Patch Set 4. Prior to Oracle Application Express release 4. When running in Compatibility Mode 4. Compatibility Mode Changes in Mode 5. Instead, a parser checked for the best format to match the user's entry or an end user could oracle apex 5 2 their own format. Oracle Application Express release 5. Because applications created before release 5. If no data has been entered, it picks the application date format. If the session setup for an Ajax requests fails, Oracle Application Express oracle apex 5 2 raises an error. For other requests, the error appears on an error page. Page items based on a database column where the attribute Source Used is set to Only when current value in session state is null will raise an error when the page item gets rendered. Using this setting for a database column is very dangerous and can result in accidentally overwriting data when viewing and saving multiple records. Always set the Source Used attribute to Always, replacing any existing value in session state. Compatibility Mode Changes in Mode 5. In previous versions this flag was just used to determine if server-side validations should be executed. Tip: Please pay attention when changing the Compatibility Mode to 5. Buttons, such as Cancel or Previous, where the Execute Validation flag has incorrectly been set to Yes and which use an After Submit branch, never execute validations when the user clicks the button. You can address this issue by using the new client-side validations, or by setting Execute Validations to No. By default, the ability to interact with network services is disabled in Oracle Database 11 g Release 2 or later. Tip: To run the examples described in this section, the compatible initialization parameter of the database must be set to at least 11. By default a 11 g or 12c database will already have the parameter set properly, but a database upgraded to 11 g or 12c from a prior version may not. This example enables access to servers on the local host only, such as email and report servers. This example enables access to servers on the local host only, such as email and report servers. Set Compute Sum to No for non-numeric columns in these Classic Reports. For tabular forms, however, custom Javascript code may no longer function properly. You must change any non-unique report queries present in oracle apex 5 2 current applications. Previously, interactive reports could contain invalid computations as long as the computation was hidden by the end user. An invalid computation can occur when end users create computations and developers remove dependent columns afterwards. With this release, such invalid computations display an error message. Since an invalid computation has no value, developers or users should delete them to make the report work again. Setting a column to hidden completely hides this column from the end user. Now you choose the column to use for functions such as node label, tooltip, and link. Allow Icon Type to be empty without forcing a-Icon. Some additional changes to the implementation of this item type has resulted in the following changed behavior. This behavior was not by design in Application Express. Rather, this is a default browser behavior where if a web page contains just one form element, pressing Enter when focused on the item submits the form. In this release, the updated autocomplete implementation prevents this from happening. If you relied on this behavior in previous releases such as submitting the page and branching to a page relevant to the selected search itemthis no longer works. If you are using a custom theme, you may want to review the markup for items. If you are using Universal Theme, Oracle recommends refreshing the theme to the latest version to resolve known issues with previous versions of Universal Theme. Tree regions will be converted to use the Application Express treeView widget. To learn more, see the new. Additionally, options related to jQuery Mobile theme are not supported. Additionally, options related to jQuery Mobile theme are not supported. Additionally, options related to jQuery Mobile theme are not supported. In Oracle Application Express release 5. The format mask setting is also based on the data type of the column. Customers reviewing chart information now see Datetime rendered with the appropriate time zone information. Things such as orders in your chart may render incorrectly. Deprecated features are features which Oracle plans to desupport or remove in a future release of Oracle Application Express. Use Oracle Application Express Advisor to scan existing applications for deprecated attributes. Packaged Applications have also been updated to remove Flot Line, Flot Bar, and Flot Pie chart plug-ins. The External Processing functionality of Classic Report has been deprecated and will be removed in a future release. To use the External Processing function in the interim, your application must include the Deprecated or Desupported JavaScript file. To include this file, select the application and oracle apex 5 2 the User Interface Details. For Include Deprecated or Desupported JavaScript Functions, select Pre 18. To assist developers with the transition to Page Designer, Page Designer includes a Component View tab. Similar in appearance to Legacy Component View, the Page Designer Component View tab presents user interface elements and application logic by component type; however, when you click a component, the Property Editor highlights the corresponding attribute in the right pane and enables you to edit the component attributes. As of Oracle Application Express release 5. To enable Component View, edit your user preferences and select Yes for Enable Legacy Component view. Tip: To assist developers with the transition to Page Designer, Page Designer includes a Component View oracle apex 5 2. Similar in appearance to Legacy Component View, the Page Designer Component View tab presents user interface elements and application logic by component type; however, when you click a component, the Property Editor highlights the corresponding attribute in the right pane and enables you to edit the component attributes. If you are using the Text Field with autocomplete oracle apex 5 2 is nothing you need to do. oracle apex 5 2 However, Oracle recommends that you do not use the jQuery autocomplete plug-in directly in your app due to incompatibility. Because these legacy charts are not supported in Page Designer, app developers may be left with regions that they cannot edit. Oracle Application Express release 18. All new application development targeted at mobile devices must be done using the responsive Universal Theme. To learn more about migrating existing applications to the Universal Theme, go to the Universal Theme application at and select Migration Guide. The new implementation uses a more standard approach selection occurs in response to direct user input by using the arrow keys to select from oracle apex 5 2 option list. This is no longer configurable. Instead, the text is always highlighted in the results. Oracle has an ongoing commitment to try to reduce the overall size of JavaScript that Oracle Application Express loads when rendering a page. Including legacy JavaScript functions is optional. When including legacy JavaScript functions, Application Express migrates any existing applications automatically for backward compatibility. Oracle recommends that you avoid using any of the functions in legacy. Ajax-related Functions Replace with functions from apex. For applications that still rely on removed 2. If your application relies on removed 1. You must update the JavaScript to only use jQuery 3. If you have direct references to any of the old file filenames, you must update them to the new name. If you have a separate reference to sortable, you can remove it. This issue exists for services created in the First Apportioned Schema of a workspace when the workspace name and schema name are different. There is no supported resolution at this time. Does not appear in the call, but is processed by the services. However, the logic of that procedure fails to process multiple modules with oracle apex 5 2 null base path. The pagination size of the merged module is set to the largest pagination size in the modules being merged. In this case, where a separate validation is used, the item does not contain the required attributes on the item emitted. This can lead to inconsistencies in what is emitted, and possibly confuse a user of Assistive Technology. This issue is tracked with Oracle bug 23761182. Workaround Instead of using the Value Required item attribute, create simple not null style validations on the items and set the Value Required attributes to no. Then, as long as developers have defined the appropriate label template for required items, this provides a consistent experience across all required items: the required information is conveyed in the label, and not in the item attributes. This issue is tracked with Oracle bug 25245829. Issue Currently in the Property Editor, the display groups are marked up as elements that are focusable with the keyboard. When focused, users can navigate between display groups with the Up and Down arrow keys, which aids keyboard support of the Property Editor. This issue is tracked with Oracle bug 20693220. Workaround Users should be aware that the state is not announced upon first focus, and can either force announcement by pressing Enter and making the group expand or collapse, or alternatively by pressing Tab to go to the next focusable element, which will either be the first field in the group if expandedor the next display group if collapsed. This issue is tracked with Oracle bug 18188460. Issue The Maximize functionality built into native region types renders a button within the region allowing the user to maximize the region content to fill the page. If two or more of these regions with maximize functionality enabled appear on the same page, they have duplicate labels for the buttons. This issue is tracked with Oracle bug 27685217. There is no supported workaround. Issue For this release, the List View of the Calendar region type in 18. There is no supported workaround. This issue is tracked with Oracle bug 27941145. This privacy notice describes what to expect when Oracle Application Express directly collects information about users of applications that you create or install. Note that all Application Express internal applications such as Application Builder are written in Application Express, so the same facts apply to developers and administrators who are using these applications. Oracle is not responsible for information collection of applications that were developed by customers. Event Logging Application Express provides extensive logging of user triggered events. For example, developers and administrators can use this data to find security and performance issues. Below is a brief list of event log types. Can be disabled by developers and instance administrators. Disabled by default, the debug log can be enabled by end users and developers. This is essential for application security, performance, and ease of use. Below are details about the cookie and storage names that Application Express uses and their intended use. Developers can choose custom cookie names in an application's authentication scheme. It is used by some components to customize the user experience when using touch devices. Check for Updates When developers log in to the Application Express development environment, they get a notification when a new version is available. To get this version information, Application Express sends a request to oracle apex 5 2 oracle. This check is enabled by default, but can be disabled by instance administrators. This software and related documentation are provided under a license agreement containing restrictions on use and disclosure and are protected by intellectual property laws. Except as expressly permitted in your license agreement or allowed by law, you may oracle apex 5 2 use, copy, reproduce, translate, broadcast, modify, license, transmit, distribute, exhibit, perform, publish, or display any part, in any form, or by any means. Reverse engineering, disassembly, or decompilation of this software, unless required by law for interoperability, is prohibited. The information contained herein is subject to change without notice and is not warranted to be error-free. If you find any errors, please report them to us in writing. If this is software or related documentation that is delivered to the U. Government or anyone licensing it on behalf of the U. Government, then the following notice is applicable: U. No other rights are granted to the U. This software or hardware is developed for general use in a variety of information management applications. It is not developed or intended for use in any inherently dangerous applications, including applications that may create a risk of personal injury. If you use this software or hardware in dangerous applications, then you shall be responsible to take all appropriate fail-safe, backup, redundancy, and other measures to ensure its safe use. Oracle Corporation and its affiliates disclaim any liability for any damages caused by use of this software or hardware in dangerous applications. Other names may be trademarks of their respective owners. Intel and Intel Xeon are trademarks or registered trademarks of Intel Corporation. This software or hardware and documentation may provide access to or information about content, products, and services from third parties. Oracle Corporation and its affiliates are not responsible for and expressly disclaim all warranties of any kind with respect to third-party content, products, and services unless otherwise set forth in an applicable agreement between you and Oracle. Oracle Corporation and its affiliates will not be responsible for any loss, costs, or damages incurred due to your access to or use of third-party content, products, or services, except as set forth in an applicable agreement between you and Oracle. Scripting on this page enhances content navigation, but does not change the content in any way.