Import pandas as pd => When you see documentation that uses pd or np it should be understood to the reader that it's dealing with the pandas or numpy library respectively even if they do not show the import statement. We will see how to read a simple Csv file and plot the data: Transcript: We will start with data from the , one of the most well known space telescopes. Already installed pandas and openpyxl but still not working. You wouldn't want to use that command very often. You of course have the option of dropping labels with missing data via the dropna function. Your problem lies in a wrong version of openpyxl package. Note In general, we chose to make the default result of operations between differently indexed objects yield the union of the indexes in order to avoid loss of information. We should just read the file, right? Panel is a somewhat less-used, but still important container for 3-dimensional data. For this project, we will only look at age vs rate salary. Thus, a dict of Series plus a specific index will discard all data not matching up to the passed index. Else if you see python version 3. Naming things is one of the hardest things in all of programming. Still a mystery to me. Have a look, if you want. For example, NumPy has a function called max, and the standard library has a function called max. Adding Axis Labels to Plots With pandas - If you look closely, you might notice the currently x-axis labels are 0, 1, and 2. Your problem lies in a wrong version of openpyxl package. This brings trouble that we know which packages are left out only when error reporting pops up. Besides, some packages have strict requirements about versions. According to my own experience, python2. Different versions of Python have different versions of extension package. The last matter worth noting is not to confuse 32 bits and 64 bits. All the extension packages have two versions of 32 bits and 64 bits. Generally speaking, in my opinion Python and Pandas are not suitable for windows operating system. They work better under ubuntu. If you use windows most of the time, I recommend esProc. It boasts a more powerful computational capacity than Pandas and works well under windows. As the message says use a version of openpyxl after 1. Note this only affects reading import pandas as pd writing excel spreadsheets, everything else should work fine.