The Ascension At this point in their evolution the Q race no longer believes, through all the Headscape experience over millennia of exploration, that reality itself is real. When they enter Headsapce and the synergistic Continuum, the result of their inner minds sharing the same space, they are omnipotent. Headspace is the result of their will, their intent. And so after thousands of years of applying their will and intent to their Headscape it is no longer philosophically sustainable to take 'reality' to be 'real'. They practised their will inside their Headspace an in the Continuum, the shared space, the collective space. And so they decide in the Continuum that they should apply their control over their will and intent over 'reality'. And this is what they did. ===== Exercise Three: Imagine being in your Headspace. As you stand on the mountain top you realize your body is sitting comfortably in a chair. But inside this Headspace your will is primary, your intent sublime. With a mere thought you transform all that you see into another landscape, of your office or another world. And you turn it back again. Here you are, truly, omnipotent and omniscient. Everything that happens there you know about because it is an extension of your intent. There are no limitations here and your brain's imagination centre allows you a limitless vision. You realize deeply within that all that you create is as real as any reality you inhabit. Now imagine you decide to apply this omnipotence to yourself. That being sitting in a chair. You are in your Headscape, which is the result of your own power of imagination, since you have come to think and believe that Headspace is equally real you can apply your power to your own body. In here your avatar feels as real to you as your real body in the chair. Since your mind supersedes any notion of making distinction about what is real and what is not, you now have the ultimate power over your own mind and body. And so you decide to transport your physical body into your own imagination. You focus your intent and imagine how your body in the chair vanishes and feel how your body in your Headspace becomes filled up with your physical body, replacing your avatar. You are now an ascended being, a being that left notions of physical reality behind in favor of an inner reality. You are the Ouroboros, the snake that eats its own tail and then vanishes. ====== At this point your body is in your own imagination. Since you are omnipotent in your Headscape, you have the ultimate control over you body as well. It will no longer decay and you can shape and form it in any way you like. You can project yourself out from your Headspace into that other reality, where other species such as Humans and Klingons live. You can visit that reality from your own inner reality.