Guide for buying premium stuff,with links. Older, longer version. First of all,there are two ways of buying Premium stuff,its either GOLDEN EAGLES or BUNDLES. GOLDEN EAGLES: This is your IRL money currency. You start with 40 of these and get 200 for tutorial,so you get 240 for free (or 290 if you used a refferal when making the account). If you want to buy something you should start here. Prices with links are as following(they add a small tax when you purchase,so its a little higher. For instance, 49$ will be around 51$) Europe pays abouta 20-25% more due to Income Tax or such,so unless youre in Russia/US (or appear to be),take that into account. Starting from 5k Eagles,offers arent that much different in prices. 500 EAGLES (for 3$) 1000 EAGLES (for 6$) 2500 EAGLES (for 14$,7% off) 5000 EAGLES (for 25$,17% off) 10k EAGLES (for 49$,18% off) 15k EAGLES (for 72$,20% off) 25k EAGLES (for 115$,25% off) For these you can get (note,everything you buy for Eagles is inside the game client): SILVER LIONS (ingame currency that handles everything you do,and repairs planes. Not really worth it,skip it.) TALISMANS (gives permanent +100% EXP bonus for the plane you bought it for,price of it depends on the rank of the plane. This will also allow you to keep using your favorite planes past the maxed EXP (maxed planes give only 20% exp),as you will get 20% from the plane, plus 20% from talisman + 40% from Premium account,allowing you to get 80% of standard EXP or such in battles (might not be 300%, but at least it aint 20%). PREMIUM PLANES (you buy one of planes you cant normally get,it has permanent double of standard Rewards and Experience and 30(instead of 10) free repairs with all the upgrades on the start. Also they can be MUCH cheaper to repair then standard ones.) ADDITIONAL CREWS (you can get up to 5 crews per nation for free .each crew means another plane spot you can use for Arcade. More Crew spots cost 200/500/1200/1800 Golden Eagles each.) ACCELERATED CREW TRAINING (every crew gets EXP when you use em, and you use that to improve their skills. For low costs you can save hundreds of hours of grinding for them. Also, at 200-300 skill levels (every point in skill is one level) you can specialize crew for specific planes with standard currency (Silver Lions)). If you play the game for a long time you will probably cap your crew out when you get to higher ranks. BACKUP PLANES: You can get this upgrade for any plane and it gives you second one to fly after you die for ARCADE ONLY. Price is so low due to having to spend EAGLES every time you get shot down. I really dont see the point of it. So if you want to spend 40-200 Eagles every time your baby gets shot down in Arcade and you take it for a spin again, go ahead. Its only for Arcade anyways. ACE TRAINING (as you spend EXP on crew they get levels. When you get enough levels,depending on a Rank of a plane, you can spend LIONS for Expert Training (200-300 crew levels). It will add +30 to Keen Vision,Visibility,Turret Accuracy and Precision,Repair and Reload Speeds. You can further train your crew even more WITH EAGLES at very high crew levels (460-600 crew levels), you will get +50 in total for the same statistics. it is added on top of normal skill levels, so for instance you can have 50 turret precision from skills + 50 from Ace training making it a 100 total. WHEN YOU TRAIN CREW IT ONLY APPLIES TO THAT VERSION OF PLANE AND ONLY TO THAT CREW. DIFFERENT PLANES OF SAME MODEL DONT SHARE THIS (like,every Spaviero is a separate training), SO YOU WILL HAVE TO BUY TRAINING FOR THEM SEPARATELY. In my opinion, unless its a Big Ass B-17-like Bomber, dont bother with Ace training, as expert one will suffice and difference is more or less negligible.) PLANE UPGRADES: Basically you get a busted plane on start and you need to fly it for a while to get upgrades for it to bring it back to peak performance. Or you could bust out some EAGLES and get em on start. Later planes are more impacted by upgrades, and the price will rise up to 500 eagles. Just fly a plane for day or two and you will have upgrades, dont bother. Skins/Decals: Planes have skins that require ALOT of work to be obtained for free, except some early ones. You can either get em by hand or pay 200 Eagles per skin. Skins/Decals are cosmetics, they dont affect performance of the plane in ANY way. Some decals are restricted to specific nations. NATION XP CONVERSION (You can spend Eagles to get experience with a specific Nation, so you dont have to grind for Nation levels. You still need to buy planes and train crews, so you might be short on Lions if you do this often.) PREMIUM ACCOUNT: You can buy Premium Days with Golden Eagles. With premium account you get: +100%(so its 200%,DOUBLE) EXP +50% extra (Total 150%) Silver Lions Extra Dynamic Campaign/Singleplayer Mission rewards per day (think of it as Daily mission cap. You dont earn much from them even with a premium) 2 more Decals (cosmetics on your plane),so you get 4 Decals per plane in total. When Premium runs out,third and fourth decals wont show up anymore. Ability to make 4 man squads (non-premium can only make 2-man squads, BUT this isnt implemented yet) Price of Premium Account is: 100 Eagles for 1 day (0,6$) 650 Eagles for a week (4,5$,7% off) 1250 Eagles for 15 days (7$,17% off) 2000 Eagles for ONE month (12$,33% off ) 5000 Eagles for 3 months (25$,44% off) 15200 Eagles for a year (72$+ 2$ Jewgolds ,58% off) IF YOU WANT TO BE A PREMIUM EITHER BUY IT PER DAY OR IN A BULK. MAKING CLANS (Squadrons): One Clan, 2500 EAGLES. You get leaderboards spot, a tag a motto and a private chatroom. Nuff said. PREMIUM PLANES. Every Premium plane has greatly reduced repair costs,free Talisman (although you cant place second one) and Double the reward bonuses (Cap for Reward bonuses is 500% on em). WARNING!WARNING FELLOW PILOTS! READ BELOW! VERY VERY VERY IMPORTANT!!!!!: For now,if you buy a Premium plane or a Bundle,you can put that plane in a crew slot, even if you dont have a sufficient Rank for it. So for instance,you could use Rank 14 Dora from the first level if you wanted to. It will put you against more experienced players though. NOTE: All bonuses here are listed for Historical Battles. Premiums by Nations: ENTRY LEVEL PREMIUMS: Its basically your standard Tier one Biplane with a fancy skin, you get one for winning for the first time for free, rest are 250 shekels each. Most people take Zhukovsky's Chaika because its probably the best of the bunch. USA — Thach's F2A-1 Buffalo; Germany — Marcolin's CR.42CN; USSR — Zhukovsky's I-153-M62; Britain — Tuck's Gladiator Mk.II; Japan — Hagiri's A5M4. USA: Ki-61-Ib (RANK 4, 700 EAGLES, 280% Rewards ) ; This is a captured Japanese Ki-61; It is exactly the same as the standard one except 2 tiers lower; -Good Tiering -Good Rewards -Fast, Agile, great diving speed (750), decent Climb -crappy Japanese guns that lack a punch A6M2 (RANK 7, 1150 EAGLES, 360% Rewards); This is a captured Japanese A6M2; It is exactly the same as the standard model. ; It excels at dogfights and to a degree; Energy fighting. You might choose this for some dog-fighting in your Americans, And as it has cannons they might add some fun to the mix. -decent climb -decent dive -great turner, bit stiff on rolling -good armaments, low ammo -lack of stall characteristics in FRB XP-55 Ascender (Rank 8, 3900 EAGLES, 360% Rewards); This is unrefined/canceled Canard Design fighter prototype. -good rewards -okay climb -nearly unbreakable in a dive with good speeds -turns like a dream -good armaments -good speed -big fuck me area in the back -looks cool -OVERPRICED BF-109 F-4 (RANK 9, 1450 EAGLES, 460% Rewards); This is a captured German BF-109 F-4; It is exactly the same as the standard model except 2 tiers higher. ; It excels at energy fighting, and to a degree Dogfighting. -good rewards -good climb (although nerfed) -decently good turner (not as good as Spitfires,) -great for diving and Energy Fighting, responsive at high speeds -good armaments, good ammo, nose cannon -good for vertical maneuvers -ammo counters in cockpit -no 2x20mm wing gunpods, unlike German 109s BTD-1 Destroyer (RANK 10, 1600 EAGLES, 500% Rewards); This is advanced USA divebomber that had limited amount of planes produced; -good rewards -turns well but loses speed very fast -starts up in the air on most maps -climbs surprisingly well -dives well BUT has low top speed attainable in it -slow to decent cruise speed -good armaments, plenty of ammo -TWO torpedoes, drops them at same time -good visibility in cockpit for FRB -no rear gunner -sexy airbrakes Spit Mk.9 (RANK 11, 1̶7̶5̶0̶ ̶E̶a̶g̶l̶e̶s̶ DISCONTINUED, 500% Rewards); This is a Lend-lease Spitfire; It is exactly the same as the standard model except 1 tier higher. Due to FOTM/OP part of 150 octane fuel for such a low Rank it has been pulled out of store (but owners kept it) and British got the same one uptiered to rank 13. The catch? THEY DIDNT REMOVE 150 OCTANE FUEL FROM IT, so its still quite powerful. -good rewards -150 octane fuels makes it climb like a jet until 5k -decently good in a dive -good speed -AMAZING turner (not as good as Japanese) -good guns, good ammo -decent for Energy Fighting, excels as a dogfighter -avoided the nerf -its fucking gone for newcomers Grumman XP-50 (Rank 14, 2200 EAGLES, 500% Rewards); This is a canceled Twin Engine Heavy Interceptor made by USA in 1941 from XF5F Skyrocket. -AMAZING climb -good speed -great in diving -decent at turning -low ammo -looks interesting -dangerous tiering A-26C-45 INVADER (Rank 15, PROMOTIONAL ,350% Rewards,no 100% exp bonus);this was a promotional plane for Russian Gaming Laptop. And promotion is over. Then, some German Magazine gave away bunch of codes,but this is over too. So unless you persuade someone to give or sell you a key, you cant obtain this plane. Performance: On paper amazing Ground Attacker, good armaments, good bombs, good turret coverage. You also can both bomb like a bomber and shoot like a P-47 on ground targets. Problem: overtiered to Rank 15 which is both blessing and a curse (you fight versus D-13s, G-10s, Shidens and rest of nasty high end planes) GERMANY: He.112 B-1 (RANK 4, 700 EAGLES , 260% Rewards); This is a Modified He.112 B-0, it has a more powerful engine and can climb for longer, and use WEP longer as well. it is a good dog-fighter and has a good selection of guns as long as you move horizontally. It is quite slow though. WARNING:due to prewar design, plane cant dive properly and if you gain alot of speed becomes stiff and hard to control. -good rewards -slow -great in turning -matchmaking can ruin your day Wellington Mk.1c (RANK 7, 1150 EAGLES, 500% Rewards); This is a Captured British Welli; It is exactly the same as the standard model but with no 4000lb bombs. ; It differs from German bombers as it is fairly large, has a different style of payload, and different defensive turrets; You might get this because you want a 'larger' model bomber with a slightly larger payload. Note:this is Mark 1 Wellington design,so you dont get improved gunners of later designs. Many people call it "the money maker" because 500% rewards+ bomber bonus is very profitable for destroying ground targets in Historicals. Fix of 37mm guns made its life quite...hazardous now. P-47D (RANK 8, 1300 EAGLES ,340% Rewards);This is a captured American P-47; It is exactly the same as the standard model except it does not get any rockets or bombs. -decent climb -decent speed -great in a dive -good at turning to an extent -good firepower, plenty of ammunition -good energy retention -no bombs/rockets unlike USA version -109s are probably a better choice at tier 8 La-5Fn (RANK 11,UP FROM 1750 EAGLES TO 5250 EAGLES ,440% Rewards); This is a captured Russian La-5FN; It is exactly the same as the standard model except it does not get any bombs. ; It excels at Dog fighting, and can be used to a great degree for energy fighting UNLESS you break it; A hybrid. You might choose this because it is fast; dives well and Has a fairly good set of forward guns... Be careful on ammo though,you have a little less then needed and plane chews it down quite fast. Also it breaks after 650 km/h in a dive. After its feature on Ancient Aliens on History Channel, it has been nerfed, then buffed again then renerfed back. Also,its VERY pricey now to obtain it...skip it. RUSSIANS! PBY (RANK 3, 880 EAGLES, 500% Rewards); This is a Lend-lease American Flying boat; Exactly the same as the USA one. -big clunky slow flying boat -AMAZING rewards for tier 3 -good payload -sturdy -decent gunners BUT plenty of deadzones where they cant shoot, tail included P-40 (RANK 4, 700 EAGLES, 340% Rewards); This is a Lend-lease American Fighter; Exactly the same as the normal one BUUUT it kept its tier 4 (USA one is tier 5 now). -good rewards -decent climb -good top speed for tier 4 -GREAT diving speed for tier 4 -TOP turner for its tier (except Spitfires and Ki-43/61s) -good guns, good ammunition -you will fight many P-40s Americans have on the other side -for some reason can ram damaged planes and survive with black wing -kept Tier 4 and that helps with matchmaking IMMENSELY I-153P Chaika (RANK 5, 950 EAGLES, 180% Rewards); This is a modified I-153, it changes the machineguns for cannons and gets rockets and bombs. Tier 5 so you meet alot of stuff. Fun for stomping high tier aircraft. No flaps. Very fragile if you get hit. Rewards are meh. P-39 (RANK 6, 1000 EAGLES , 340% Rewards); This is a Lend-lease American Fighter; Exactly the same as the normal one. It excels at energy fighting/it is mostly an Interceptor plane. You might choose this because it is Hits hard (if hit registers), has accurate guns, dives quickly, turns kinda well and has that nice 37mm cannon. It is from first batch of them though,so it got weird gun composition on it (4x7.62mm /2x50cal/ 37mm cannon). Also,quite low ammo for HB. I-16 type 28 (RANK 7 ,1350 EAGLES, 380% Rewards); This is a modified I-16, it changes 2 of the Machine guns for cannons and gets rockets and bombs. Fun for stomping high tier aircraft. It does turn a bit slower. Only Landing Flaps. Very fragile if you get hit, glass cannon at its tier. P-39-0 (SU) (RANK 8, 1300 EAGLES, RESTRICTED , 440% Rewards); This is a Lend-lease American Fighter modified by USSR that you can buy only buy during Defender of the Fatherland Day Celebration (23-25th February) or some other random Russian holidays ; Russians removed both 12.7mm guns from the wings, and added copious amounts of Bravery and Vodka. It excels at both Energy Fighting and Dog Fighting, its better a bit in all flight aspects then standard one ,mainly speed and turn rates due to reduced weight. It has even LOWER ammo then standard one so for HBs you will be parched for ammo constantly. Right now it does amazing loops and i would rather recommend to get it if you catch it on sale. Also it gives great rewards for shooting stuff even with no Premium account. P-63 is better then it. P-63 A-5(RANK 10, 1600 EAGLES , 480% Rewards); This is a Lend-lease American Fighter, given to USSR because USA didnt like it, made for low altitude combat; -good rewards -climbs decently -doesnt look like a banana -good at turning, good at loops -good firepower -low ammo -USA gets much better version, the A-10 Tu-2 (RANK 9, REWARD for buying a BUNDLE below,no Prem plane bonuses); This is Russian Heavy Fighter-Bomber. It is 5 Ranks lower then standard one, 7 times cheaper to repair, but you get significantly lower payload. For arcade its ok,for Historicals, youre bit sluggish, albeit quite fast and with good firepower. Just look at it as a small bonus for getting a bundle/Steampack. BRITISH: Wirraway (RANK 1 ,300 EAGLES, 120% Rewards); Australian Flight Trainer/Bomber; A solid little low tier aircraft with a decent payload; turns fairly well and has a defensive turret; Get this if you want a dedicated dive bomber in your British rooster; or want to be patriotic. Havoc; (RANK 2, 400 EAGLES, 200% Rewards) (really just a different A-20G); This is a Lend-lease American Light bomber with a decent speed, diving and payload; Get this if you want a quick little bomber and you are not too fond of Wellingtons. Frontal guns are good for ground targets, but thats about it. Boomerang I(RANK 4, 700 EAGLES ,140% Rewards)/II(RANK 4, 400 EAGLES, 120% Rewards);two Australian Fighter Airplanes; -low rewards -same performance as Spit mk II, so its AMAZING for its tier -good turning -decent dive -decent climb -good firepower -low on cannon rounds but has 4x7.7mm with 1000 rounds each -second one is marginally faster but slightly worse in turning -first one is a good buy, SECOND ONE IS A WASTE (since you can fly one at a time in Historical anyway) D.520; (RANK 6, 1000 EAGLES ,360% Rewards); French Fighter they made just before France got occupied; -good rewards -very agile (even better then early Spitfires) -not very fast -poor at climbing -decent firepower -nose cannon with VERY low ammo, machineguns with decent ammo -very hipsterish D.521; (RANK 6, PROMOTIONAL ,240% Rewards,no 100% exp bonus); D.520 with a British Merlin Engine in it,a bit improved performance when compared to D.520, you get it by buying MSI merch while being a Frenchman. So, FRANCE ONLY PROMOTION. Bottom point, you cant get it normally, lets hope there is a giveway later on. Hellcat (RANK 7, 1150 EAGLES, 500% Rewards ); American Lend-lease Attack Plane; Exactly the same but a tier higher; Very tough plane, and a great energy fighter; Get this if you liked the Typhoon but wanted something that can take a bit more of a beating. It is also very good for early Historical Bombings,as you will outrun Wellingtons when flying to the best,juiciest targets. It also dogfights fairly well, if you can catch people unaware or at lower speeds. Note: Scratch this, FM is RUINED and plane is useless. Mustang Mk1; (RANK 11, 1850 EAGLES, 500% Rewards); A very, very powerful Energy fighter built in USA for Britain early in the war,it has 4x20mm cannons and can rip and tear most planes with em; -good rewards for leveling -mediocre climb -decent speed -good turner -good at diving -GREAT firepower -low ammunition JAPANESE: BF-109 E-3 (RANK 6, 1000 EAGLES , 440% Rewards); Lend lease Bf, Exactly the same as the counterpart, but no bombs. -GREAT rewards -good climb -good dive -good turner -good dive -decent speed (lower then F-4 by quite alot) -good firepower, low ammo Jack of all trades, master of none. People like E-3s for FRB as they are simple to fly and quite forgiving. F4U; Captured American F4U (RANK 7, 1150 EAGLES, 500% Rewards); Exactly the same as the counterpart, You would get this if you love Energy fighting, but Still love jap aircraft; -GREAT rewards -Good climb (climbed like a rocket but now its nerfed/fixed) -great in a dive -good turner (moreso with landing flaps) -fast -good firepower, good ammo -sexy dark blue paintjob Ki-96 (Rank 10, 1600 EAGLES,, 500% Rewards); this is Japanese Heavy Fighter, just like the non-premium Ki-102. It has common Japanese characteristic -good rewards -good climb -decent to good turner -goes in a dive up to 700 -bit slow -good firepower (compared to other Japanese planes, cannon velocity is a bit low) -mediocre ammo -cant shoot 37mm and 20mm separately -quite fragile -bomber hunter thats actually undertiered for its role (so you wont meet B-17s, and that sucks) -it ends up fighting lighter fighters at its Rank FW-190 A-5 (RANK 11, 1750 EAGLES, 500% Rewards ); Lend lease FW, Exactly the same as the counterpart, but no bombs. You would get this if you love Energy fighting, but still love Jap aircraft; it is a perfect match with Zeroes as you now have both good dogfighters and energy fighters on the same side. -good rewards -good climb -good cruising speed -AMAZING in a dive and quite responsive -AMAZING Energy Fighter -poor at turning -great firepower, AMAZING ammo capacities (except wing 20mm) -can take a beating -hard to break in a dive -Matchmaking will pit you against La-7 and those things are superior to you in everything except the diving speed -BIG NERF- you get inferior A-5 now (used to be A-5/U2 but they changed it)- a bit worse performance, you are forced to put 2x20 MG FF/M Cannons on wings (explosive shells they use are VERY good but only 60 shells each) BUNDLES: Bundles will give you special planes (that you cant buy with Eagles) and some Golden Eagles/Premium time with them and some give extra Campaigns for Singleplayer. Current offers: STARTER KITS/Steam packs: War Thunder - Steam Starter Pack You get 3 planes in it. For some reason it has been pulled out from Steam. Rasmussen P-36a Hawk Steam (RANK 2, Steam pack only, 90% Rewards, No talisman); This is this guys Airplane: , its the same as standard one. P-36 is quite fast, agile but it rolls poorly and has limited ammo. Nothing special really. XP-38G(heavy fighter for USA,Silver P-38G Lightning,Rank 11, 500% Rewards). I myself dont like this plane,but it handles fine right now. Its sort of Energy fighter that can dogfight a bit. Warning:very very VERY sensitive controls in flight +no War Emergency Power (WEP-110% Engine power). Being worked on by developers. A6M5 Ko(Second A6M5, exact same as the normal one except it has extra cannon ammo, an improved Zero from main line of dogfighters for Japs, Rank 12, 500% Rewards. So basically you can field two of these with this bundle + slightly worse normal one. Good guns,amazing agility, decent ammo, decent to good speed, climbs AMAZINGLY PAPER ARMOR. *Premium account for a month (12$). *1700 Golden Eagles (10$). P-51D-20 NA Mustang Steam Advanced Pack (19$) (Rank 13, Steam, 500% Rewards); This is the forever popular P-51d Mustang with bubble canopy, WW2 USA escort fighter. Due to being built for long range escorts it has big Fuel Tanks and decent performance, especially at high altitudes. It climbs decently, turns good, has good firepower and can survive high diving speeds. It has same performance as the normal ones you can obtain when you reach Rank 13 with USA. *Premium account for two weeks (worth 7$). *2000 Golden Eagles (worth 12$). 'DORA' Starter Kit/ Steam Starter Pack (20$) : You get Fw.190D-13 (Rank 14, 500% Rewards, German Energy Fighter,less firepower but better gun velocity then standard one. You do get good amount of ammo and its MUCH cheaper to repair as opposed to standard variant). This is a VERY powerful plane for Historical with GIGANTIC amount of ammo. Sadly it got nerfed, it feels alot heavier now. So it is VERY fast, climbs quite good (down from amazing) and dives amazingly. Not to be used for turnfighting. Problem is now you will encounter plenty of planes that can match your performance now, so its not an easy plane to fly/ free win anymore. *Premium account for two weeks (worth 7$). *2000 Golden Eagles (worth 12$). Steam Ace Advanced Pack (35$): You get both TYPHOON and PESHKA starter kits in it. Typhoon Mk.1B (same as Typhoon MK.I ,but you get it with cannons so its 3 tiers higher. Its Rank 10 British Ground Attack/Energy Fighter Plane , 440% Rewards). It is a good Energy Fighters for Brits, good acceleration and up to 800 speed in a dive,but kinda low top speed in standard flight. You see that rank 7 Typhoon? This is same plane but with Hispano Cannons. Normal Typhoon Mk.1b/late Rank 13 version has more powerful engines. Pe-2-205 "Peshka" airplane (Bomber,Rank 8 USSR ,500% Rewards). Fast Bomber with couple machineguns up front and decent payload. You see Pe-2-359 on the standard tree? Its about the same as this one, but free. *Premium account for two months (20$). *10000 Golden Eagles (49$). Decent price for all those things in my opinion. 'TYPHOON' Starter Kit (20$): Typhoon Mk.1B (same as Typhoon MK.I ,but you get it with cannons so its 3 tiers higher. Its Rank 10 British Ground Attack/Energy Fighter Plane , 440% Rewards). It is a good Energy Fighters for Brits, good acceleration and up to 800 speed in a dive,but kinda low top speed in standard flight. You see that rank 7 Typhoon? This is same plane but with Hispano Cannons. Normal Typhoon Mk.1b/late Rank 13 version has more powerful engines. *Premium account for two weeks (7$). *2000 Golden Eagles (12$). 'PESHKA' Starter Kit (20$) Pe-2-205 "Peshka" airplane (Bomber,Rank 8 USSR ,500% Rewards). Fast Bomber with couple machineguns up front and decent payload. You see Pe-2-359 on the standard tree? Its about the same as this one, but free. *Premium account for two weeks (7$). *2000 Golden Eagles (12$). 'PACIFIC' Starter Kit (50$)-If you want those planes only,get Campaign kit,its cheaper. Two airplanes: XP-38G(heavy fighter for USA,Silver P-38G Lightning,Rank 11, 500% Rewards). I myself dont like this plane,but it handles fine right now. Its sort of Energy fighter that can dogfight a bit. Warning:very very VERY sensitive controls in flight +no War Emergency Power (WEP-110% Engine power). Being worked on by developers. A6M5 Ko(Second A6M5, exact same as the normal one except it has extra cannon ammo, an improved Zero from main line of dogfighters for Japs, Rank 12, 500% Rewards. So basically you can field two of these with this bundle + slightly worse normal one. Good guns,amazing agility, decent ammo, decent to good speed, climbs great PAPER ARMOR.). Two single player campaigns: *USA Pacific Campaign (1941-1943) *Japanese Pacific Campaign (1941-1943) *Premium account for a month (12$). *3000 Golden Eagles (16$). *VMS-2 Emblem (one decal, a Yelling red Indian on Yellow Background, you get it after finishing USA Campaign). *Japanese Counters Victory marks (four decals, USAAC roundel pierced with an arrow, you get em after finishing Japanese Campaign). ULTRA WALLET WARRIOR Starter Kit (89$) Five airplanes: Fw.190D-13, Typhoon Mk.IB, XP-38G, A6M5 Ko, Pe-2 series 205.(all the planes from above) Two single player campaigns: USA Pacific Campaign (1941-1943) Japanese Pacific Campaign (1941-1943) *Premium account for two months (20$). *10000 Golden Eagles (49$). CAMPAIGN BUNDLES: Japanese and USA Pacific Campaigns Bundle (1941-1943)- 20$,best deal currently. Two airplanes: XP-38G, A6M5 Ko. (same as Pacific Starter Kit),both have big premium bonuses (500% Rewards, 100% Exp) *Premium account for a month(12$). *1700 Golden Eagles (10$). *VMS-2 Emblem (one decal, a Yelling red Indian on Yellow Background, you get it after finishing USA Campaign). *Japanese Counters Victory marks (four decals, USAAC roundel pierced with an arrow, you get em after finishing Japanese Campaign) WARNING,THIS BUNDLE WAS REMOVED FROM SHOP AND STANDARD LINK DOESNT WORK. YOU CAN STILL GET IT FROM COUPLE LINKS THOUGH,SO GET IT NOW OR NEVER. Japanese Pacific Campaign (12$) A6M5 Ko airplane (Japs ofcourse,Rank 12, 500% Rewards, Origami Killer plane with Origami thin armor to boot). *Premium account for two weeks (7$). *850 Golden Eagles (bouta 5$). *Japanese Counters Victory marks (four decals, USAAC roundel pierced with an arrow, you get em after finishing Japanese Campaign). USA Pacific Campaign (12$) XP-38G airplane(CLAPCLAPCLAPCLAP Silver Schoolbus , Aluminium unpainted P-38G, 500% Rewards). *Premium account for two weeks(7$). *850 Golden Eagles (5$). *VMS-2 Emblem (one decal, a Yelling red Indian on Yellow Background, you get it after finishing USA Campaign). Enjoy your game,share Pastebin around as you please.