Hi! Just sharing with you this interesting guide showing you step by step how to install Android Successfully on your PC/Laptop and to make it FASTER 1- You need to scan your PC/Laptop for System Settings Changed By Malware: http://ouo.io/LiSytm 2- Then is Very important to check the Requirements for Successfully Installation of Bluestacks: http://ouo.io/0GNIGx 3- Finally watch this video to install your Bluestacks step by step: http://ouo.io/baFj21 Installation en français: http://ouo.io/kfbEj9 ------- If you have installed yet your Bluestacks and you don't want to install it again, but you got some errors may be these help you: http://ouo.io/nPOae5 http://ouo.io/6SK6X Anspeeder Apk FULL PRO: http://ouo.io/VwIbDQ Ideal to speed your Android and Bluestacks. ------- Speaking Spanish movies application: http://ouo.io/65ptgY Please any question let your comment on the Youtube video. Good luck and Enjoy! Canal Rami Youtube