London School of Economics It is a public research university and also known as LSE, located in London., England UK. It was established in 1985. The School is organised into constituent academic departments and 25 research centres and has 10,600 students. The international LSE alumni community comprises more than 128,000 people drawn from almost 200 countries. Wherever you are in the world, you can connect with your fellow alumni and the School. Departments Accounting, Anthropology, Economics Economic History, European Institute, Finance, Gender Institute, Geography & Environment, Government, International Development, International History, International Inequalities Institute, International Relations, Language Centre, Law, Management, Mathematics, Media & Communications, Methodology, Philosophy, Logic and Scientific Method, Public Affairs (IPA), Social Policy, Social Psychology, Sociology, Statistics. Research Centers Climate Change Economics and Policy (CCCEP), Diplomacy and Strategy (IDEAS), Economic Performance (CEP), Economics and Related Disciplines (STICERD), Financial Markets (FMG), Grantham Research Institute (GRI), Health and Social Care, International Growth (IGC), Local Economic Growth (What Works), Macroeconomics (CFM), Philosophy of Natural and Social Science (CPNSS), Social Exclusion (CASE), South Asia (SAC), Southeast Asia (SEAC), Spatial Economics (SERC), Systemic Risk (SRC), Time Series (CATS), Women, Peace and Security (WPS) Nobel Prize Winners from London School of Economics Name Department Year 1 Christopher Pissarides Economic Sciences 2010 2 Paul Krugman Economic Sciences 2008 3 Leonid Hurwicz Economic Sciences 2007 4 George Akerlof Economic Sciences 2001 5 Robert Mundell, Economic Sciences 1999 6 Amartya Sen Economic Sciences 1998 7 Sir Derek Barton FRS Economic Sciences 1969 8 Ronald Coase Economic Sciences 1991 9 Merton Miller Economic Sciences 1990 10 Sir Arthur Lewis Economic Sciences 1979 11 James Meade Economic Sciences 1977 12 Friedrich von Hayek Economic Sciences 1974 13 Sir John Hicks Economic Sciences 1972 14 Lord Noel-Baker 1959 15 Ralph Bunche 1950 16 Bertrand Russell Literature 1950 17 George Bernard Shaw Literature 1925 Admissions you must make an online application via UCAS. Full details of how to complete your application through UCAS are provided on the UCAS website. Contact Details Houghton St, London WC2A 2AE, United Kingdom Website: source: Wikipedia,