Detail - 100 Points ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| Brushes in the map that are primarly there to make it look nice. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| Relevance - How does the detail compare to the rest of the map is it relevant to the theme and style? Or is it random? (25) Appearance - Is it visually appealing? Does it make you want to play the map? (25) Suitability to Gameplay - How does the detail collaborate with gameplay? (25) Quantity - Is there too little? Is there too much? Or is there enough? (25) Jumps: 100 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| Are the jumps good? Do they Enhance gameplay? ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| Quanity - Are they too rare? Are they too common? (25) Suitablity - Are the jumps randomly placed? Are they needed? Do they work well? (25) Relvance - Are the jumps relevantly placed? Are they Leading to places of importance? (25) Range - Are there jumps for people of all skill level? Some easy jumps and some hard? (25) Gameplay: 100 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| Is this a fun map to play? ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| Flow - Do you get stuck anywhere? Can you get from place to place withough any fuss? (15) Items - Are the items placed in convienient locations? Will they affect gameplay negatively? Are they present at all? (5) Spawns - Will you get spawn killed? Are the spawns varied enough? Are they fair? (10) Lines + LOS - Do the lines look interesting? Are they used for the sake of being used or do they serve a purpose? Is the Visibility of the map good? Can players see only at certain point say? And does this help or hinder gameplay?(15) Capping + Grabbing - Is it too easy to grab? Is it too easy to cap? Are the flags worth too much or too little? (25) Layout - Are all the paths equal in terms of speed? Is the scale of the map a good size?(20) Technical Skill: 50 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| Does this map make the game look presentable? ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| R_Speeds - Are the r_speeds low enough for play? Has the mapper done a good job at keeping them low? Will it be laggy for some players? (25) Brush + Grid Work - Have they used the grid correctly? Overlapped? Are there brushed correctly alighned and look natural and believable?(25) Innovation: 50 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| Is this map New and Exciting or have we seen it before? ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| Innovation/ Unique - Have we seen this all before? Or were you impressed by the fresh look of the map? (50)