In Canada the financial retirement income vehicle is called - Canada Pension Plan or CPP and it is under review for possible changes in the form of downgrades to benefits amount. These amounts were not that generous to begin with, so retirees have found their lifestyles severely curtailed. Internet marketing is one option to boost retirement income. Individuals who are willing to learn new ways of doing things are at an advantage when it comes to creating a more empowered life in general and financial freedom specifically! The Internet does not discriminate, so whether you are old or young, male or female or any of the other distinctions we use to separate each other, that does not matter. What does matter is that we learn how to utilize Internet marketing to fully realize our goals. So, for those looking to boost their retirement income here are some proven strategies: 1. Decide on something of value you can offer 3. Decide if you will blog or create a website to brand yourself 3. Decide on a format for making your offer known In the first step you will have to do some research to see what people are looking for online. You can use to see how many searches your idea is getting. Then build your site or blog around it. Step 2 is building you blog or website and there many very credible places to get step by step free training on how to do this. Step 3 is how to get your Internet Marketing business noticed. Marketing to your potential customers is an ongoing process and there are serveral ways to accomplish this. But the most important one is to become an expert that they can trust for honesty and integrity. Your good reputation is priceless in general, but even more so on the Internet, because there is not that personal, face to face interaction, your potential customer only has your word and the quality of your offer to make a judgement and a decision to buy from you. So, while Internet Marketing is a great way to boost your retirement income, be careful, take your time to learn how to successfully navigate this new arena! I wish you fun and profits in your marketing adventures!