An entrepreneur is a person who sets up a business with the aim to make a profit. This entrepreneur definition can be a bit vague but for good reason. An entrepreneur can be a person who sets up their first online store on the side or a freelancer just starting out. The reason why they’re considered entrepreneurs, though some disagree, is because where you start out isn’t where you’ll end up. An entrepreneur is someone who starts a side hustle that can eventually create a full-time, sustainable business with employees. Same with the freelancer. If you’re focused on creating a profitable business, you fit the entrepreneur definition. However, the entrepreneur meaning involves much more than being a business or job creator. Entrepreneurs are some of the world’s most powerful transformers. From Elon Musk sending people to Mars to Bill Gates and Steve Jobs making computers part of every household, entrepreneurs imagine the world differently. Entrepreneurs see possibilities and solutions where the average person only sees annoyances and problems. Understanding what is an entrepreneur can help more people recognize the value they contribute to the world.