If You want to buy cheap adult web hosting then visit Listtop.pw and select the cheapest hosting. it can be suitable for all your needs. Listtop.pw Listtop.pw Listtop.pw Hi, I want to know which is the best Open Source Cloud Platform among the following Openstack OpenNebula CloudStack openstack is the most popular I believe, but they had a head start. Cloudstack i think has stalled a bit. But for what is the best, a lot has to do with what hardware you put in place. These solutions all take some time to set up, and then it becomes what you are comfortable with. I would suggest you will try each of those platform, and find what solution should fit your needs. Personally, I tried only Openstack and in my opinion I can say that it gives me a lot of options, and it's feature rich. Try openstack first. Openstack is highly flexible, but it can be overwhelming CloudStack is much more monolithic, but supports fewer circumstances After you spend some time with those two, you may find a paid solution such as OnApp is a better value than it seems at first. I would suggest to research and test out each of the platforms. I have tried CloudStack and OpenStack. OpenStack is good, flexible and requires intense level of Linux and planning. However since it is used widely, can provide better compatibility with other providers (like onboarding and offboarding clients) I didn't like the fact that the terms used (Nova, Swift, etc) are bit of learning curve. Cloudstack is good, not as flexible as OpenStack but it is easy to understand for beginners. Terms are similar to traditional administrators.