My amazon orders history => The Amazon Customer Service asserted me on the phone that customer data will be kept until the account is closed. Go to Your Orders and locate the applicable order. Here you can see every single product you recently searched for or stumbled upon. And I've paid with credit card lots of times before. Hopefully now you should be able to browse and make purchases with more peace of mind. If you have questions or need help, please use the stickied help thread. Take a minute to acquaint yourself with the layout; this will help. Some items were purchased in quantities greater than 1, but Amazon records a row for every item per order. Really, I use it just to have two separate order histories. You are not supposed to ship Pending orders until they appear as Unshipped Orders in Seller Central. Look for your Order History Reports to get to the data. Scroll all the way down to the very bottom of the Account page. Hello jamjam27, I understand you are wondering about orders that appear and then disappear. Find items you bought in your Amazon orders history - And I've paid with credit card lots of times before. Hey, are you looking for clear order history on Amazon then you are the right place. There are mainly two options available is Delete Order History Permanently or Hide Order History. Method 1: Delete Amazon Order History Permanently For delete your amazon order history Permanently then visit below link. My amazon orders history 3: Archiving Order Hey, are you looking for clear order history on Amazon then you are the right place. There are mainly two options available is Delete Order History Permanently or Hide Order History. Method 1: Delete Amazon Order History Permanently For delete your amazon order history Permanently then visit below link. Method 3: Archiving Order By archiving order you can easily hide order from your my amazon orders history. So simply need to follow below step by step process. Hi there, You cannot delete your order history from Amazon. Your browsing history however is a different matter altogether. To hide an order: 1. Go to Your Orders and locate the applicable order. It removes them from your default order history view. Hidden items will always show up when you search for them. You can also access hidden orders by visiting and selecting View Hidden Orders. To restore a hidden order to your default order history view, select Unhide Order Good Luck. You cannot delete your order history from Amazon. The Amazon Customer Service asserted me on the phone that customer data will be kept until the account is closed. In times where customer data is worth so much that Google can be among the most valuable companies in the world, all while getting over 90% of its revenue from targeted advertising, I cannot really believe this statement. Especially European laws, which seem to set the global rule by race-to-the-top effect, place a high burden on the data controller and have an explicit provision in regards to data retention. Starting May 2018, Internet companies potentially face million dollar fines upon privacy violations. People would be reluctant to use their services as they potentially would risk the disclosure of their credit card information and embarrassing purchase history. While data is highly valuable, data protection laws and the risk of a data breach place a high cost on Amazon for keeping the data of a former customer who explicitly ended the business relation.