VERSION BUILD= TAB T=1 TAB CLOSEALLOTHERS ' 'Explain macro purpose: URL GOTO= WAIT SECONDS=3 ' 'Start Test URL GOTO= ' 'Check for the keyword "iMacros" on the web page ' 'For more details, please see the Wiki FAQ at ' ' ' 'Method 1 ' TAG POS=1 TYPE=SPAN ATTR=TXT:*iMacros* ' 'Same as above, but this time ignore the formatting (TYPE=*) 'This command takes longer, as iMacros needs to scan the complete page, not only certain html tags TAG POS=1 TYPE=* ATTR=TXT:*iMacros* ' 'Alternatively, you can "invert" the keyword search and generate an error '*IF*word is on found on the page TAG POS=1 TYPE=* ATTR=TXT:*404* CONTENT=EVENT:FAIL_IF_FOUND ' ' 'Method 2 ' 'The result of the EXTRACT command can be retrieved 'with extracted_text = iim1.iimGetLastExtract() ' TAG POS=1 TYPE=SPAN ATTR=TXT:*iMacros* EXTRACT=TXT ' ' 'If the macro reaches this point, ALL assert tests have been passed! URL GOTO=