Project Crocodile. You have been invited to take part in a new venture as a member of my team. If you think this is easy money or a get rich quick scheme then please close this document now and walk away, like anything that makes money, you have to work at it for it to pay off. This system is no exception, what it will do is give you an opportunity to make money quickly and along the way the method for making money will actually allow you to grow it into a genuine business. There are many other companies offering this platform, but the one selected below is susceptible to fraud and will even pay you a high percentage of your commission if the cvv performs a chargeback. However during the 4 months we have been testing this, many of the cvv's have not charged back and have kept the items sent to them....... Yes you heard right you ship items to the home of the cvv! No more changing delivery address, and the people like the goods and have kept them!!! So what is this scheme I here you cry........... Affiliate Marketing If you have no idea what this is then good...... As we are not really doing affiliate marketing (Yet!) but you can take this business legit if you wish and whilst it will not make you a millionaire (despite what googleing will tell you!), what it will get you is a steady income, on auto-pilot of around $40 month per site. $10 week is fuck all I hear you say, but times it by 100 sites you put up all earning $40 month = $4,000...... then you keep adding sites, adding affiliates, adding companies etc. To give you an example, I have been doing affiliate marketing online for about 4 years, I have around 800 sites on an average month it pays me around $7000, for sites I created years ago and they are still paying me money!!! But for now lets concentrate on the project at hand, once you understand this you will easily be able to research how to grow your business and turn it legit. Part 1: Preparation You may have heard me banging on about research & preparation, with any project you do, the research is key to making it work..... Jumping in too quick (like jumping to bottom of this document is not the right way to do things!!!) will hurt your chances of making real money out of the system, bragging to friends/contacts about what you can do is also silly, as is sharing the system etc. All these things help with keeping the system operational, as any online business has fraud, if it is small fry (compared to their real business) they will not expend major efforts to stop it, however the moment it becomes stupid they will block the system! Now preparation this means several things : Your attitude Your equipment Your methods Your ability Lets start with attitude, as I said earlier, this will not make you a millionaire, if done right it will provide you a genuine income on auto-pilot that will expand with the more sites and services you launch, you will be able to start a real LTD company and have genuine income, pay taxes and avoid inland revenue/interpol from snooping in your affairs as an online business is hard to follow for tax reasons. You need to work at this, it will not be given to you on a plate by me or my team, you are going to spend hours researching the things I tell you and more hours learning and setting up the sites, but once setup, replicating them will be easy. But do not moan about “I am not making 5000 today!” Slow and Steady Wins the Race, everytime. Next; equipment, you cannot have a method or ability without equipment, you need to protect yourself at all costs, this means : HMA VPN – Always use VPN, it protects you from your ISP snooping on you. SOCKS Proxy – Always use a SOCKS in the country ideally region of the cvv you are using, find one on a residential ISP not a TOR Node, or server based SOCKS, you can tell difference by DNS ( is a residential, but will be a server). All online payment gateways use MaxMind GEO-IP to lookup IP for country, region, type (dynamic/static/proxy/etc.), this is why your previous attempts at carding might have failed, if you were using shit proxy or similar, MaxMind will report Possible Page 3 of 10 Fraud, then they look in further and will decline transaction, some decline on pure MaxMind results! Then there is browser & cookie based tracking being used by more and more sites to track you. These are loaded in javascript while the page is loading, they can obtain an amazing amount of information about your system and store it on their servers to track you coming back again and again. Example: a simple javascript code can obtain the following info: Browser type, version, plugins, capabilities PC/Laptop Screen Resolution, Operating System, version no. PC name, MAC address, private IP address, public IP address, ISP name etc. All of this info is stored in a database at the company, so when you come back for the 5th time and previous 4 have been fraud, you will automatically be declined regardless of the state of the cvv..... you are a bad risk and you get decline, this makes you call up on phone if genuine or you can never use that payment gateway again from your PC. Your methods and ability roll together, if you have a good plan and execute it correctly there is no reason for it to fail, as with any system there are always weak links and in this system it is the cvv..... *********If you go back to the webpage that lead you to this document, you should go and download VMWare Player and the Secure Browser appliance now. Install VMWare Player, do a bit of research (it is not hard to understand!). DO NOT delete the .zip file of the secure browser just yet, keep it. Expand the .zip file into folder like c:\vm\vm001 Open the VM in VM Player, if you do not know Linux LEARN NOW! Windows is SHIT for carding OK. This Virtual Machine will be your new carding platform. Each time you card, you destroy the VM and start again with a fresh one, you can change the MAC address, IP address etc. each time which throws off the tracking. If you set the VM to use “SHARED HOST IP” when you connect your Windows PC to HMA, the VM will also go over VPN!!!! When combined with a SOCKS proxy you are totally untraceable, your VM will never store cookies (read the docs inside .zip file on non-persistant state!) But PLEASE, PLEASE do and learn all of the above BEFORE moving onto next section, test, test, test....... google “TEST MY ANONYMITY”. I will NOT be pleased if you fuck up this system for me! Page 4 of 10 Part 2: The System Terms: REAL PC = Your normal desktop/laptop as if you are a genuine person. VM PC = Your secure linux browsing appliance, only ever card inside this! OK time for the good stuff...... you should now have all you need to get going, you have VPN, SOCKS, Secure VM Browsing Appliance, 4 browsers on your REAL PC. Create an Excel document called Crocodile, create/rename tabs to : REAL FAKE1 FAKE2 FAKE3 On REAL tab you need to select a profile who will be the genuine seller and receive funds from the provider, to do this select a browser, and HMA location (NO SOCKS) in your country, AND WRITE IT IN TAB as when you login to admin portal you MUST use same browser/IP “EVERYTIME” or it look funny. And this location/browser MUST NEVER be used to card anything to do with this system! You do not need real postal address, but this company has a pre-paid debit card that they can pay your profits to for you to use in ATM, and this is a genuine business here, if bad people ordering that is not your fault OK. So you can be genuine, but use HMA. Pick a location / browser and stick to it for now. You now need a basic webpage to get verified for an account, I suggest at this time goto and signup for a free blog hosting account. You need to use something sales/marketing type : Setup the site, login, change page to show “I am working on my website, I will be back real soon!”. As the company check the site is real before authorising account. Or (link on webpage!) you get free domain name with hosting for $7 month, they have unlimited hosting too! Go to “” (copy/paste into browser as is!) Sign-Up for Affiliate Login You will get response with login info/password in 24-48 hours You then login to portal, setup your info, payback (paypal/wmz/bank wire etc.) And then the work really starts. Page 5 of 10 The idea is that you place the sales pages of the products they sell on your website and market it through free-ads, e-mail, google, yahoo search engines, blogs – basically any way you can get people who want the product to your site, this is called “niche marketing”. If for example you are having problems losing weight you would google “how to lose weight in 14 days”, if your blog has info on “how to lose weight in 14 days” people will go there, read the article and buy the product. You then get paid commission by the seller. You do not receive order, you do not see products, you just get paid. The thing with CrocMint is, they DO NOT take your commission back on credit card chargebacks!!!! – Yes you read it right....... they WILL NOT take commission back if the charge is refunded......... they are rare in doing this, and we are checking with other companies for their policy. So I am sure by now you can see what use a cvv is to this process, but I will explain anyway. Once you have your site up, and you have your banner codes etc. you need to submit them to google/yahoo/bing and all other search places, google “free site submission” You then need to leave the site for a while to grow, get some natural visitors (trackable in crocmint portal!), while this is happening setup another blog (no need for another crocmint account use same affiliate codes) with different product offering, repeat until you have 1 for every product. The company will think you are great for trying all their products! Now to do this right & long term, I told you about domain names and hosting accounts, the benefit to this is as follows, google likes KEYWORDS and better the keywords, better you are in google. – Will be well received in google. But you cannot do this with free hosting as good terms all gone. But if you get your own hosting that allows UNLIMITED sub-domains you can host thousands of sites with ANY keywords you like!!!!! Even the same content on many different keywords!! So the package above is GREAT for this! I have a dedicated server just for me and my sites, this costs like £200 month but the speed and control is worth it for me! So are you getting the picture? Genuine sites, selling genuine products, from genuine company, being paid genuine commission!!! – If you choose you can signup to more affiliate marketing companies, but I do not know if the SCAM system will work correctly on them. Page 6 of 10 Part 3: The Scam OK so you have setup CrocMint, setup loads of sites, setup hosting account, submitted to search engines, learnt about CrocMint, learned about affiliate marketing, now it is time for the scam part of this project. Up until now everything has been genuine and real, using the same browser, HMA location as recorded in REAL tab. Now it is time to change HMA location, change browser or ideally if you learnt it switch to the VM PC and the Linux secure browsing platform. STOP: At this point you need some CVV, contact me and request a location that you have a SOCKS for or HMA location, ideally SOCKS!!! Now you have some cvv it is time for the fun part. Switch your HMA location to out of your home country in REAL (disconnect, DO NOT fast switch/change IP!) In VM-PC setup SOCKS and test by using or, should show you IP, rDNS, location & country. This should match your cvv (or close by!) Now go to google, search for your keywords, you may not be high up on pages, but keep looking or try searching full sitename. Click on the link go to your site, now comes the skill..... You need to time how long it takes to read the site slowly and leave the browser open for this long, scroll down the page until you get to the BuyNow button, but do not click right away (that look funny!) CrocMint time how long you been on the site too! So OK few mins gone by, as a genuine buyer you like the product, you want to buy it, you click through as normal enter the info from the cvv and address as delivery too, so the person will get the goods, no fake delivery info needed, it is also harder for chargeback as they did receive the goods! Go for larger quantity if possible $200/$400 if cvv will take it, you get more commission. If all OK, you get authorisation and your goods will be with the cvv owner in 7-28 days, worldwide! So you can use cvv from any country you have SOCKS in!!! Now close the VM PC and destroy it, create a new one and change the MAC address of the VM PC, do this now after the sting. Switch HMA back to REAL settings and browser etc. Login to your crocmint portal and you should see Order Pending and showing you how much commission you are due.... in about 5 days, this should go to approved and you will be paid your commission. No matter what happens now, they cannot take that back! Page 7 of 10 Part 4: Not killing the system As you can now see, you cannot just setup a site and rape it with 100 cvv on day 1, this is known as a “long con” or “slow burner”. The real trick here is trying to get genuine orders that DO NOT get charged back, so the sites need to look right, have good domain name, good keywords, and real advertising.... If crocmint get suspicious you just say, “look I am trying hard, I cannot help bad people”. All you are doing is sending traffic to their systems to buy. Now as you find more affiliate marketing sites, you can create more sites and advertise them again same way. To do seriously you need to get into e-mail lists. RESEARCH: aweber, icontact, getresponse – I use aweber personally. It is a database of people who bought my products, signup for my courses, download ebooks from my sites etc. I have about 800,000 addresses, which I can market a new product too based on previous purchases and contact. This is serious stuff and you need to add the signup code to the websites and offer something in return for their e-mail address, free offer, free info etc. This can be simple like “how to make money on ebay in 14 days” and offer free ebook in return for e-mail address (aweber e-mails on auto-pilot for you!!). They are then in a list of “I want to make money” people, so the next offer I have of How to Make money I will e-mail him (from aweber!) and he may buy this time, as I gave him for free last time! Expand your sites, expand you income. You can buy 10,000 ebooks on ebay for like £10 with PLR (private label rights) so you get source in .doc and can put your name on, website etc. and .pdf as if it was yours!!!! give these away free for the persons e-mail address! But in order to protect the system, browse the site from a different HMA location with or without SOCKS using diff browser but DO NOT purchase, I have FireFox, Chrome, Safari & IE installed on my REAL PC just looks like browsing traffic, but again, time the read and leave open to show real......... Then go to VM PC with cvv follow the process and card the site..... But do not do it 20 times a day OK, let the sites grow, grow your knowledge with it, eventually you will create a genuine income without carding all the time along side whatever you are doing now. Page 8 of 10 Part 5: Summary So in summary here is the system : Get 1 free domain & hosting for $7 month from Put up basic holding page “Building my new site, it will be coming soon” Signup to crocmint (must using link in previous section!) Upload the supplied content to sub-domains and research keywords Ssubmit to search engines Buy cvv, card the site using VM PC, take commission Browse sites for real using diff browsers DO NOT buy Use HMA from diff country Use SOCKS Record cvv / country / socks used in tabs, do not repeat same country too many times. Cashout money Setup more sites Affiliate marketing sites are always free to setup/signup go for them all Setup e-mail autoresponder to capture e-mail addresses Research affiliate marketing and expand as you get better. The basic trick is getting people to the site to buy, a simple base domain name will help, using keyword sub-domains great for search engines. Most affiliate companies will GIVE you the content too and you just upload, add your name & key etc. and leave the site..... it will still get hits in 3 years time. Do not date the site or content so it always looks fresh. No copyright etc. Page 9 of 10 Part 6: Payment Researching this project, testing, time, materials etc. all costs money. The fee for this information is a single payment of: $1000 The on-going support cost is 50% of your monthly cashouts for 12 months. This then reduces to 25% of your monthly cashouts for 12 months. Then down to 10% until further notice. You are welcome to purchase cvv from any supplier you choose, you do not have to purchase from me, all I ask is that you are genuine in your 50% cashout to me. If I discover you are trying to con me you will be blacklisted on several under-ground forums and will not be invited to join more of my projects in the future. I hope you understand everything and I hope this has been useful. If you want a TeamViewer session on anything let me know. Thanks and welcome to the team. D.D.